We Got This!!!

There will be better days ahead!!!

Agape Love

Hearts on fire
Having a burning desire
For only one person
And you never let go
Give me that kind of love
Soft and sweet
As Song of Solomon
Wanting to follow
Ephesians 5 to the letter and
Not wanting to be reminded
About Mark 10:9 ever
Because the love
Is under the protection
Of Ephesians 6
So suit up
Put on that armor
Agape love is the highest
Form of love
That is sent from above
What a blessing it is to want
To love another human
With that kind of love
It is a love that forgives
Understands, uplifts, and extends immeasurable grace
It’s wanting to face
A vast sea of trouble together
Some couples see other couples
And call them goals without knowing
The full history of the relationship
Not me I want my very own testimony
For God’s Glory
The truth is we are all imperfect people
Who try to connect and want to become one
With another imperfect person
All we have to do is be faithful
At not reflecting on the wrongs
But keeping track of what they do right
And let them know it
To still want to fight even through the hurt
To be the wall that bridges the gap
Even when it feels like
It has just a single brick
It’s Hosea to the highest
It’s loving a person through it all
It’s choosing them over and over again
Even if you had the chance to do different
To not give in to throwing in the towel
And making up excuses to do it
I don’t think people realize
How their actions display the kind of love
That one posses
It’s imitating God’s kind of love
And not Hollywood’s
It’s loving for two even when
The other one isn’t doing it
It’s remembering their hearts
In the beginning
Which made you fall
In the love
In the first place
So we keep them
In first place
Not before God of course
Because you trust God
Knowing that they are meant for you
It’s respecting them
In their presence and out of it
They can trust you to take care
Of their name
And not put it to shame
All new relationships and marriages
Will get old
But true love remains
That’s agape love

I Won’t Give Up On Love.

Although life dealt me with what
Some may consider to be an
Unlucky hand
I haven’t given up on one of the
Things that
I desire the most and that’s love
I long to feel complete
With the love who embraces who I am
Unique yet difficult at the same
Time who I would
Give my all for
Even if it makes me feel uncomfortable
It’s necessary
In order to grow
Love is feeling vulnerable
I am willing to step out of my
Comfort zone as long as the feelings
Are mutual
I desire a king because I am a queen
A queen longs to take care of her
In ways that all the money in the
Money cannot buy
I want to be the one that he can
Talk to
About whatever it is that’s on his
Mind his desires, his fears always
Backing him in his dreams big
Or small
Never allowing doubt to shadow his
God-given potential and no matter
What I will always remain loyal,
Faithful and true blue
Most men and women were hurt
They have wounds and scars from pain
Even when they move on the hurt
Vowing never to allow themselves to
Trust or love again
But they cannot give up on love
On being united with their
Kings and queens
Join together can you say
Love royalty
Like Meghan and Prince Harry
No one should take love lightly
Or for granted
Love sometimes is treated as a
Bad habit
Some people give love a bad name
Which is something that it doesn’t
It’s something that
Beautiful and pure
Still, people can make a U-turn it
Doesn’t matter about
Life throwing them
A curveball if they wait and
Be Patient
Their love problem will be solved
Love can make the coldest heart warm
When God made man in His image
He thought that a man
Should not be alone
So God made a woman
He intended for a
Woman to be a helpmate
She is to relieve some of his weight
She is to kiss her kings wounds
And forgive his mistakes
Never making him feel like less than
A champion
The greatest love comes from above
With God as our navigator
He will guide us towards things
That are greater that includes
The mate that He has for us
All we have to do is trust
Therefore I won’t give up on love

A Love Like Theirs

Richonne Baby!!! I have always admired Rick and Michonne’s relationship. Was Rick married to Lori? Yes. However, Rick and Lori’s marriage was rocky before the zombie apocalypse. Rick talk to Shane about Lori always being angry with him. As soon as Lori thought that Rick was dead, she began sleeping with Rick’s best friend, Shane. Lori even got pregnant by Shane. How could she cheat on her husband so quickly? I believe that Lori and Shane were always attracted to one another. She joked with Rick about not being able to get a divorce during a zombie apocalypse. Was Rick attracted to Jessie? Yes, but she was married to someone else. Michonne was the woman that he trusted and confided in the must. Michonne changed Rick’s life for the better; in fact, their relationship was the first healthy relationship that he ever had. Rick and Michonne’s relationship consists of essential things, a natural friendship, mutual trust, and most importantly, excellent communication. Rick’s son Carl loved Michonne he told her that she was his best friend. Like it or not, Rick and Michonne were destined to be together long before they ever met. Sometimes it takes being with other people to understand what’s for you and what isn’t. Michonne knows when to give input, and she knows when to trust Rick’s choices. She’s loyal to his face and stands up for him behind his back. Yes, we know that it’s just a tv show but how sad it is to think that a relationship like theirs on exist on television?

It’s Sunday, February 10th and I am counting down to 9 p.m, that’s when the Walking Dead will may its return. I will miss seeing Rick and Michonne together; their love is like no other. Like a person who was once head over hills for a person but has since laid the torch down yet reminisce every so often. I am still hopeful that Rick and Michonne will reconnect one day.

It is Better to Have Loved

Growing up my mind was consumed
Of dreams of having a house
With a white picket fence
Stories of
Cinderella and Snow White
That consisted of highlights of a kiss given
That broke a horrible spell
Or being set free
From the bondage
Of an ungrateful wicked family
Who happiness
Was a beauty’s misery
Still the endings
Were always ones of
Happily ever afters
Then I grew up
And realised
That real love isn’t
A fairy tale
That true love
Sometimes consists of
Having an understanding
That a special moment
Is sometimes all that we are
Blessed to have
It could be the right person
But the wrong time
It could be the right time
But the wrong person
They may not be in a position
To give what is required
Even holding on
For longer than
We should can have long lasting
I am not saying that
Having love isn’t important
Because it is
Love alone isn’t always enough
Is all that I am saying
Love is beautiful
Being in love is amazing
Even more so
When it’s mutual
When the love is true
The love is without boundaries
It’s given completely
Free of the fear
Of being vulnerable
Not concerned about
Who loves who the most
Because true love is
It’s a true treasure
With the heavy appraisal tag worth
Of being accountable and responsible
In order for things to work
Being prepared
For the possible
Finality of a relationship
That’s the reality of life
It’s loving a person enough
To let them go
Even though it
Was something
That we never dreamt of doing
It’s always wishing
Them well no matter what
The outcome is
If the feeling is the opposite
Then perhaps it wasn’t
Real love to begin with
True love isn’t selfish
It’s being totally committed
It’s being selfless
Real love, true love
Isn’t a fairy tale
Just by our judgment and actions alone
When we are in love
Shows that it’s not easy to
Create or imagine
It’s raw and not simple
Love doesn’t guarantee
That people won’t get hurt
Still as the famous
Quote goes
It is better to have loved
And lost than never to
Have loved at all

That Girl Is Poison

That girl is poison and I don’t mean it in a Bell Biv Devoe kind of way! Some people are just pain out poisonous they spread their venomous negativity everywhere.

Now everyone knows that I believe in judging people as individuals. Men too can be guilty of gossiping, backbiting, and being mean, sadly many women are known for doing these kinds of things.

I’ve said it before and I’ll it again, “Messengers have motives!” Beware of girls like these because they are not women. Grown women don’t find pleasure in hurting others. The closer the person is to the people that they are speaking against shows just how dangerous that they are. It’s best to stay away from these negative beings or they will rip you apart:

They have no positive feelings
I feel sorry for people like you
You feed off of negative vibes
Because you need them to survive
Spending most of your time
Coming up with ways
To make others feel bad
In order to make yourself feel
Good think about it
If bring up a person’s worst
Makes you feel at your best
Then what does that
Say about yourself
You enjoy stealing others’ thunder
By throwing them under a bus
Man negative beings
Are dangerous
You like to rattle people’s cages
Rain on other’s parade
Pull rank on somebody
The thing is you
Don’t know where
To draw the line
So you have no loyalty
To nobody
Soon you won’t
Have anybody
You will feel others pain
Your negative thinking
Has no power over me
It all means nothing
Therefore I am not bothered
By your negativity
So grab up a chair
At your buffet of hate
All you can eat
But your poison
Will not defeat me
With my positive thinking
I cannot be beat
Even in your wildest dreams
So give it your best
Meanwhile I am going
To have Van Gogh’s ear for music
All the ill words that blows
From you don’t you
Understand that karma
Will eventually find you
I suggest that you change
Your wicked behavior and
Stop giving in
Willingly to the devil
Don’t let it take
You reaping what you
Have sown
In order for you
To grow up

I’m Not For Racism

I’m not for racism but I can’t stand hypocrisy either. Stupidity doesn’t work well for me. I have said this time and time again I hate the “N” word, no one should use it regardless of their race!

Yes. The CEO of Papa John’s was wrong along with everyone who uses racial slurs no one is better than a anyone else. Some black people use the “N” word but get up in an uproar when someone from another race uses it. What’s the difference? Can someone please explain this to me? I read a post from a person stating that they didn’t feel sorry for the CEO of Papa John’s that they don’t feel sorry for racists. Yet this person has never corrected the black people who uses the word. The person only talked about the “racist white people” who uses it. Well let me ask something is a black person who uses the “N” word racist? One needs to be careful about the reasons why it’s okay for black people to be able to use that word.

The definition of the “N” word is Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a member of any dark-skinned people.

This is why I speak of the dysfunction within the black community some thinks it’s okay to use the “N” like they get a free pass. If this word is so offensive why is it okay for anyone to use it? I have some people who want to bully me because of my mentality it’s okay with me because I don’t take them seriously.

I get tired of all the foolishness that I see. Every time a white person gets caught saying a racial slur “it’s see I told you” but they don’t correct the black people who say it. I believe and I could be wrong but some people love to choose battles that are easy. Some black people know if they complain enough companies will fire people and apologize immediately. They won’t say anything to the black people who use the “N” because they may use it themselves or the feel that they are justified to use it.

Some people have a bullying spirit they are ready to jump on those who they can intimidate. Just like how some of these black men be on the internet calling black women names and talking about how they are. Some of these black men claim to care about the community but they don’t say a word to black men. The last time I checked the black community consisted of more than just the women. And no I’m not getting off track I’m talking about the hypocrisy that goes on.

When some black people get upset about another race using the “N” word and not their own. Isn’t that calling the kettle black? Come on now!!! People are good at holding up a mirror up at other people but would rather drop it and chance getting cut by glass before they are willing to face themselves.

He’s My Baby Daddy

I wanted to hurry up and post this before father’s day because I don’t want to ruin the day with this news. Unless you have been living under a rock, then you may have heard about the baby daddy greeting card Target drama. Yes, I call it drama because the situation is totally unnecessary. I don’t understand some of the people of my race. How come it’s okay for some of us to come up with words or be able to say certain words to one another but the minute a white person says it they are racist? Yeah, I said it. For instance, the “n” word is a very offensive word, but some black people call one another that. Now stay with me. I’m about to make a huge point.

I recently took a class, and the subject came up about what is acceptable language socially. Long story short it was agreed upon that if it’s not acceptable socially, then it should not be expressed verbally publicly. Still, what is offensive? I have never liked the phrase “baby daddy.” I would cringe when I would hear some females say, “oh, he’s just my baby, daddy.” There is nothing cool about having a baby daddy or for some mothers, baby daddies. This phrase was supposed to be the new in words like “fleek” a word that I wish would go far away!!!

Some classes were being taught in school about Ebonics. It was shown so that other races of people could understand the blending of words ebony, aka black and phonics sounds. The Britannica describes it as “a form of American English used in the home or for day-to-day communication rather than for formal occasions.” The Merriam-Webster refers to “baby daddy” as slang.

The Urban Dictionary defines “baby daddy” as a father of a woman’s child that she is not involved with” The sentence used to explain the meaning of the words went something like this “Who is that? “Girl two.” That’s my dumb baby daddy”. So if this word is in the urban dictionary and it’s being used in heavy rotation, what’s the big deal about the “baby daddy” greeting card?

Target is a retail department store that was trying to “target” or appeal to the people who uses this phrase. I feel that it’s beyond ridiculous that they had to apologize for a greeting card. The greeting card was sighted as being “racially insensitive.” How is a greeting card with “baby daddy” in it being racially insensitive? It was a phrase invented by a person or people of the black race. For goodness, sakes. How is a “baby daddy” card racist? I wonder what the race of the person who made the card was? And what kind of father’s day cards would mothers who aren’t involved with their children’s fathers deem to be appropriate? I guarantee that many of them refer to their children’s fathers as their “baby daddy.” Frankly, I just don’t get it. Here’s what was inside of the greeting card:

I could be wrong, but I think that when something sheds light on the bad things that are usually celebrated within the black community that should not be. The reality of dysfunction becomes real then all of a sudden it comes off as being “racist” because the dysfunction of what is going on in the black community is being exposed even if it’s done unintentionally. Getting all up in an uproar behind a greeting card shows that the truth hurts.

Seeing the Gold

The internet can be a crazy place. We see true stuff, fake news as Trump calls it and lots of added on stuff. The internet can be a world filled with gossip. Recently I wrote about reading a book called The Woman Code in it the author of the book ninth code was Do not gossip. The Bible talks about gossip a lot one doesn’t have to be a Christian to realize how badly gossip can affect a person’s life. I know that I don’t want to gossip or indulge in it either. I wouldn’t like to be lied on. Gossip causes a lot of damage most of it cannot be undone. Proverbs 16:28 A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

Let’s think about it what are some reasons why men and women gossip about a person or people? Let’s be honest most times gossip are lies. I mean why else would the person who’s spreading the gossip tell a person not to tell anyone? Why won’t the person who’s doing the gossiping tell the person whom they are gossiping about directly? Hmmmmm….sounds suspect to me and I’m not Lieutenant Columbo. “One more thing sir…”

Angry people use the internet to publicly humiliate others they are nothing more than keyboard gangsters who hides behind the screen…a bunch of trolls who belong under a bridge in some land far far away. Yeah I said it! They don’t have any facts but lots of lies. So if you talk behind a fool one will sound like one.

We all should know better than to take anything on the internet as facts. Right now I am taking a Statistic course. Last week I turned in an assignment and had points deducted from me because she said that  I needed to support my work with facts…..allow that to sink in. I have had people tell lies about me I knew why they were angry with me some still are. Once people stop talking to you they start talking about you. Our enemies are nothing more than estranged family members, formal associates,or formal friends. Think about it if a person is no longer speaking to another person anymore how true is their information. Example if a person is still gossiping about someone after a long period of time and have not been in contact with the person how accurate are their words? Why would a person continue to gossip about a someone whom they no longer speak to? Just something to think about.

I always try to be Christ like and try to put myself in other people’s shoes. If  I were to see something on the internet about someone  I would question the person who wrote it. Gossip is something that an angry person does so I would wonder why they are doing that. Not everything we read or find on the internet is true. Beyonce went to dinner last night now her photo has been made into a meme already no telling what they say. People make up memes, create rumors, and twist things around to cause division, turn people against each other,and fuel hate. People who gossip about someone else does it in hopes of hurting the people whom they are talking about and isolating them from others by attempting to turn people off from that person. As a Christian I pray for discernment I don’t want to share or spread lies about a person on social media otherwise I would have to question my character as well as why would  I want to put faith in angry words.

When we assassinate the character of others we inescapably annihilate our own in the process. We become no better than whatever we’re saying about another. The soul is better fed with words that speak life and hope.

I don’t know about anyone else but I’d rather be a peacemaker I don’t want to play a role in causing the flames of gossip to grow higher I rather put them out. Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

My Name Is Gossip.
I have no respect for justice.
I maim without killing.
I break hearts and ruin lives.
I am cunning and malicious and gather strength with age.

The more I am quoted the more I am believed.
I flourish at every level of society.
My victims are helpless.
They cannot protect themselves against me because I have no name and no face.

To track me down is impossible.
The harder you try, the more elusive I become.
I am nobody’s friend.
Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same.
I topple governments and ruin marriages.
I ruin careers and cause sleepless nights, heartache and indigestion.
I spawn suspicion and generate grief.

I make innocent people cry in their pillows.
Even my name hisses.


Father God help me to have control over my words and to see the gold in others.

Proverbs 11:27

27 He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.

It’s Okay

Heeeeeey!! I’m feeling great! Woot Woot! I took a little break and it’s okay. It’s okay to take a break students take spring and summer breaks from school. People take vacations from work. God rested on the seventh day. Taking a break gives a person a chance to relax, rejuvenate, and have a fresh outlook.

When  I started my blog  I was so happy and  I still am. I wanted to take a step back to think about the direction that  I want to take my blog in and well so far so go. I’m proud about the things that  I have shared it’s about helping someone else. I want God to get His glory from my story. It’s not a good look to make things about one’s self.

I will get back into writing again because I love to write. There are so many testimonies that I have witnessed and I can’t wait to write about them. God is so good!! I want to tell the world out the goodness of God!

I hope that everyone is enjoying spring! Remember taking a break is okay it will make you feel great!
