Father the Builder

Happy Father’s Day 2016, regardless of the date or whether it’s modern time the meaning of being a father never changes. Whether it’s teaching their children how to ride a bike, how to put on a tie or how a man treats a lady a father’s role makes a huge impact that effect the family as well as the community. A father is the backbone of the family he proves stability. A father molds his sons and daughters differently still his presence effect them tremendously. Single mothers it’s Father’s Day don’t take it away from the dads who deserves it by trying to share their day. It’s time for us to humble ourselves and understand our roles as mothers . Let’s stop behaving masculine and more feminine we are women. Give the men who are true fathers respect. We can only do it by allowing the father to do the role that God intended. It’s time to face what some us mothers can not do and that’s being a father. Could it be being the head of household has clouded your judgement well if it hasn’t it’s time to sit in the audience. Let’s give these fathers a round of an applause. It’s time to bring family back. We must love our children enough to allow them to have their fathers.

I have shared part of my life story before. Growing up for awhile it was a single parent home I didn’t not want to be a single parent. I remembered how hard my mother had it and for a long time I hated my father for it. Vowing to never to become a single parent.Sadly I became a single parent obviously God had other plans for my life. Yes I truly believe this there is a blessing in every storm. Look at the people’s lives in the Bible Joseph, Ruth, Esther and even Jesus. You don’t want to see me get pumped. I know that God is awesome and He always gets His glory in everything. We have to worry less and trust more. Worrying doesn’t solve not one thing. Just have to keep praying, trusting and hoping all of it will pay off one day.

As a single parent I understand that it requires a high demand but as a mother I want my sons to have the best. Are there fathers who are not doing what they should? Sure. But I have faith in God soon things will be all good. I believe truly that everything happens for a reason. There are no bad choices just learned lessons. Every lesson is a blessing in some way or another. Think about a thousand puzzle piece it isn’t complete if even one piece is missing. That goes for every lesson that has taken place in our lives. Or time we become wise and we understand why things are the way that they are. Until we do let’s allow the fathers to do the role that God intended for them to do.


Feelings, wo-o-o feelings

I am so glad that I walk with God now because I follow His Word. When we follow His Word, we can’t get lost. God’s Word is His Will. He is not the author of confusion. There will be times when we don’t understand what God is doing, which is why we have to trust His Will. It is written in Isaiah 55:8-9 that His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His Ways are higher than ours.

When I first started my blog, I had anger and frustration, just like any other human. I had to do a few wrongs to realize what is right. My blog is a place where openness is displayed positively. Through God’s Word, I recognize where I went wrong, and I have owned it as well as growing from it.

Let me tell you about growth; it is a learning experience. I was once a lost one. Most people hold their feelings higher than God’s, and that only leads to destruction. I no longer go on a fault-finding mission to find evidence that supports my case; God can handle that.

So welcome to my blog, my thoughts have grown since 2016, and I am glad that God called me.


Agape Love

Hearts on fire
Having a burning desire
For only one person
And you never let go
Give me that kind of love
Soft and sweet
As Song of Solomon
Wanting to follow
Ephesians 5 to the letter and
Not wanting to be reminded
About Mark 10:9 ever
Because the love
Is under the protection
Of Ephesians 6
So suit up
Put on that armor
Agape love is the highest
Form of love
That is sent from above
What a blessing it is to want
To love another human
With that kind of love
It is a love that forgives
Understands, uplifts, and extends immeasurable grace
It’s wanting to face
A vast sea of trouble together
Some couples see other couples
And call them goals without knowing
The full history of the relationship
Not me I want my very own testimony
For God’s Glory
The truth is we are all imperfect people
Who try to connect and want to become one
With another imperfect person
All we have to do is be faithful
At not reflecting on the wrongs
But keeping track of what they do right
And let them know it
To still want to fight even through the hurt
To be the wall that bridges the gap
Even when it feels like
It has just a single brick
It’s Hosea to the highest
It’s loving a person through it all
It’s choosing them over and over again
Even if you had the chance to do different
To not give in to throwing in the towel
And making up excuses to do it
I don’t think people realize
How their actions display the kind of love
That one posses
It’s imitating God’s kind of love
And not Hollywood’s
It’s loving for two even when
The other one isn’t doing it
It’s remembering their hearts
In the beginning
Which made you fall
In the love
In the first place
So we keep them
In first place
Not before God of course
Because you trust God
Knowing that they are meant for you
It’s respecting them
In their presence and out of it
They can trust you to take care
Of their name
And not put it to shame
All new relationships and marriages
Will get old
But true love remains
That’s agape love

Speak Life

Words are very powerful be careful of who you come into agreement with!!!

Love Them Anyway

Now what did Jesus say
Above all to do
Love right
We have to do
It with all of our might
No matter how hard
A person comes against us
We have to trust Jesus
The most painful situation
Can be turned into
A beautiful creation
God says that
All things work together
For the good
Romans 8:28
Once we have finished baking
A cake we can no longer
See the ingredients
That it took to make it
We have to put on our armor
Of righteousness
Suit up
We must put on love daily
Make it a priority to
Trust God
Obey God
And Rest in that
For it is how
We react towards others
That shows our hearts
As Christians
So even through
All the heartache
We must love
Them anyway
Everything will be okay

The Covenant Keeper

Bone of my bones
Flesh of my flesh
She will be called Woman
For she was taken out of Man
This man and woman are
Two who will become one
So they are no longer
Are two but one
This was Jesus exact quote
Don’t believe it
Go read the Bible
Anyone who considers themselves
To be of God
Who speaks against this
Isn’t a true Christian
Yeah I said it
If the shoe fits
Wear it
Stop trying to break
God’s Covenant Promise
Or there will be consequences
Like God’s vengeance
It’s best to
Respect other people’s marriages
Even if you don’t like
The person who
Your family member
Is married to
Mind your business
Not doing so is dangerous
God took one rib from Adam
Not a slab
To make just Eve
Not Sarah, April, and Jane
Besides his rib cage was
Needed to protect his
Vital organs especially
His heart so
It could beat for his
God given wife
Holy Matrimony
Is what God intended
There is something
About people being the
Husband and Wife
That God has called them to be
It’s about dying to self
Letting go of selfishness
Stepping outside of
One’s comfort zone
Being a loving husband and wife
Who always desires to
Treat one another right
Always speaking well of one’s spouse
Being truthful
Spending alone time together
Being gentle
Showing your spouse that
You are grateful to have them
How you complete each other
And how it makes
You better because of it
You are one another’s strengthen
Never let them forget
Making them feel like
They matter
And not treating them
Like they are a habit
Regardless of the number
Of years that you two
Have been married
It’s a full commitment until death
A wife should be
A husband’s satisfaction
And a safe place
Be her husband’s release
Not a barrier
A husband should be attentive
All his wife’s concerns
He must understand
Every day he is constantly
Learning each and every one
After all God
Gave him the position
To be the head
Of the household
It’s God’s Way
We must respect it
He knows what is best
There will be times
When trouble may happen
It may be one of
The biggest test
That anyone could ever imagine
Suddenly it feels like
Your world came crashing down
Remember your vows
You can’t stop now
If one person falls
Be strong
Don’t fall too
God has greater
For you two
Every obstacle in
Life is a lesson
And a blessing
To help us to be
A light and a testimony
For others
To show the world
That in spite
Of our circumstances
God is still God
All by Himself
There is no need
For anything else
When all else fails
God will always be there
So many times
Situations have proven
That God’s power is real
Make your spouse
A priority
By doing this
It’s making the marriage
A priority
No matter the battle
Even if things are
Going amazing
Don’t ever stop fighting
To keep what makes
You both so happy

I Won’t Give Up On Love.

Although life dealt me with what
Some may consider to be an
Unlucky hand
I haven’t given up on one of the
Things that
I desire the most and that’s love
I long to feel complete
With the love who embraces who I am
Unique yet difficult at the same
Time who I would
Give my all for
Even if it makes me feel uncomfortable
It’s necessary
In order to grow
Love is feeling vulnerable
I am willing to step out of my
Comfort zone as long as the feelings
Are mutual
I desire a king because I am a queen
A queen longs to take care of her
In ways that all the money in the
Money cannot buy
I want to be the one that he can
Talk to
About whatever it is that’s on his
Mind his desires, his fears always
Backing him in his dreams big
Or small
Never allowing doubt to shadow his
God-given potential and no matter
What I will always remain loyal,
Faithful and true blue
Most men and women were hurt
They have wounds and scars from pain
Even when they move on the hurt
Vowing never to allow themselves to
Trust or love again
But they cannot give up on love
On being united with their
Kings and queens
Join together can you say
Love royalty
Like Meghan and Prince Harry
No one should take love lightly
Or for granted
Love sometimes is treated as a
Bad habit
Some people give love a bad name
Which is something that it doesn’t
It’s something that
Beautiful and pure
Still, people can make a U-turn it
Doesn’t matter about
Life throwing them
A curveball if they wait and
Be Patient
Their love problem will be solved
Love can make the coldest heart warm
When God made man in His image
He thought that a man
Should not be alone
So God made a woman
He intended for a
Woman to be a helpmate
She is to relieve some of his weight
She is to kiss her kings wounds
And forgive his mistakes
Never making him feel like less than
A champion
The greatest love comes from above
With God as our navigator
He will guide us towards things
That are greater that includes
The mate that He has for us
All we have to do is trust
Therefore I won’t give up on love

The Love Dare

I decided to step back not because I don’t care about you because I do (very much so) I didn’t want to add to the confusion in your life it’s not what you need or deserve. From what you have shared with me it sounds like it’s very chaotic in your life after all this time I will touch back on that part later. There were so many times that I wanted to reach out to you, but I opted not to. Any decision that you choose should be yours alone, and no one should influence that I don’t care who the person is. What is meant to happen will find its way, and nothing or no one can stop what will be.

I am not going to preach, but I know that God is real He changed me whether you ever get to the point that you believe in Him that is entirely up to you. You have said “that all you wanted was to be able to talk to me.” it just wasn’t the right time. I admit it I was wounded, I was angry, and I was in my feelings God had to work on me it wasn’t a good time. I always felt like I had to fight for you, and I always felt like I wasn’t good enough; we both know the reasons why. Recently, I have asked you to please come to me if you have any questions about me don’t listen to anyone because messengers have motives. When someone tells you something, especially when it’s negative wonder what their motivation is because most times it’s not positive.

Anthony, when we got together, we were so very young. Once we got married, we had no guidance no one ministered to us about anything, which is why I want to counsel couples about marriage. Couples should know what real love is, so they will know how to love each other. I genuinely believe that any marriage can last; it’s what God intended; that’s why He hates divorce. All people have to do is put their egos aside and love their spouses enough. Everyone has days when they are unlovable, and that’s when the test comes in. If we can’t be real with our loved one, there is a problem; it’s imperative to allow them to be able to express their feelings. People have to understand that once a person chooses to marry them, they can’t stop learning about them because we change every day we can’t stop trying to keep their heart just because we feel that we have won it.

I want you to know that every couple has communication problems, not just us when we were a couple. Communication breakdowns will happen because people have different personalities; thus, differences will occur. People have to care about fixing the problem. Every marriage gets bland, has struggles, people get selfish, but people should never forget about the special spark that was the reason why they got married. After all, let’s be honest; no two people get married because they hate each other. Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. It’s not something that is of convenience, marriage is hard, but it’s beautiful too. When people get married, it’s for better or worse, and well we all know the rest of the vows the truth is people only focus on the good parts which is the reason why they can’t handle the hard parts once they occur.

Regardless of the situation good or bad, the Bible says that all things work together for the good. Something good will come from out of all of this, and we all will see it, respect it, accept it, and hopefully grow from it. I will not talk about the past because there is nothing that we can do about that accept grow from it. I will not attack you because I have forgiven you. I won’t fight over you or start drama because God already knows what He is going to do. Also, I know the woman that I am there is no need for all of that. All I can do is trust God. I will say this a real woman who is doing what she should do should never allow her man to ever feel uncomfortable not at our ages. I’m not saying these things because of our history but because I have gained wisdom. If a woman is laying a foundation with her man, she lets everyone know what’s up no matter who they are. She makes everyone respect him because she understands that what a man desires the most is to be respected. She knows that a man goes through enough in the world and shouldn’t have to deal with it at home too. You know why I am saying what I am saying it doesn’t matter how much a person has done for you if they care and it’s from the heart why should it matter? Unless strings are attached to what a person does, perhaps? You are not a lazy man, and you pull your weight. I pray that what I have written frees you to do what you need to do. We are grown-ups there is no room for foolish games life is entirely too short for that. I am expressing myself, and I don’t think that I am putting myself out there; I am not begging you for anything. I am putting this out here on my blog for the whole world to see. Remember, love isn’t a fight; it’s worth fighting for if it’s right. Love is also an action word. Love isn’t a guilt trip or forced; it’s given freely, it’s not a headache, and it flows without problems.

Who Cares?

I am digging down deep in the depths of my soul and saying this most nonchalantly. “Who cares?” Who cares about who a person dated in their past? If it’s not affecting you in any way why is it any of your business?

I had touched on this subject before however, a recent situation pushed me to blog about it once more. A black woman felt compelled to explain her current dating choice because of her past dating choices. This situation is about interracial dating. I am over people who want to bond through the pain because they can’t stand to see others happy. Who this woman was in the past and who she is today more than likely aren’t the same. Everything happens for a reason, and everything serves some purpose. Adverse situations can teach people that they deserve better. We live. We learn. We grow. This black woman that I speak of used to date both black and white men. She has since decided to partner with white men only. So what? There could be several reasons why she has chosen to change her dating choices, things like past relationships, or doing what she always wanted to do. I can relate. My mother didn’t welcome my preference for white men, and she made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I get that she came up in a different time, but it didn’t change my desires. She allowed me to listen to heavy metal but watching the videos was so hard. I loved watching the video of handsome white men with gorgeous long hair. The video for Christian Woman by Type O Negative changed my life.

We all are quick to say live your life, but if you don’t have the support of your family, certain life events can be challenging to pursue when people are making you feel as if you are doing something wrong or they show that they are straight against it. We all need support, which is the reason why people keep their deepest desires to themselves until they feel confident enough to act on them.

It’s so vital for us to love and know ourselves enough to do what is best for us in our lives. If there is one that I have learned over the years through the bullying etc. is that it’s essential to love yourself. I have seen people attempting to expose someone else as a way to stop them from pursuing their happiness — the same way this black woman’s past relationships came out. Just because a person is afraid to act on their desires doesn’t give them the green light to influences yours these people’s opinions should be the least to be concerned about especially if these people are strangers. Why are these people attempting to stop someone else’s happiness? We should never forget that messengers have motives. Some people will stop at nothing to keep others miserable. What could be so wrong about being attracted to someone from a different race? After all, love has no color. We should be able to love who we want unapologetically without feeling the need to explain ourselves.

It is Better to Have Loved

Growing up my mind was consumed
Of dreams of having a house
With a white picket fence
Stories of
Cinderella and Snow White
That consisted of highlights of a kiss given
That broke a horrible spell
Or being set free
From the bondage
Of an ungrateful wicked family
Who happiness
Was a beauty’s misery
Still the endings
Were always ones of
Happily ever afters
Then I grew up
And realised
That real love isn’t
A fairy tale
That true love
Sometimes consists of
Having an understanding
That a special moment
Is sometimes all that we are
Blessed to have
It could be the right person
But the wrong time
It could be the right time
But the wrong person
They may not be in a position
To give what is required
Even holding on
For longer than
We should can have long lasting
I am not saying that
Having love isn’t important
Because it is
Love alone isn’t always enough
Is all that I am saying
Love is beautiful
Being in love is amazing
Even more so
When it’s mutual
When the love is true
The love is without boundaries
It’s given completely
Free of the fear
Of being vulnerable
Not concerned about
Who loves who the most
Because true love is
It’s a true treasure
With the heavy appraisal tag worth
Of being accountable and responsible
In order for things to work
Being prepared
For the possible
Finality of a relationship
That’s the reality of life
It’s loving a person enough
To let them go
Even though it
Was something
That we never dreamt of doing
It’s always wishing
Them well no matter what
The outcome is
If the feeling is the opposite
Then perhaps it wasn’t
Real love to begin with
True love isn’t selfish
It’s being totally committed
It’s being selfless
Real love, true love
Isn’t a fairy tale
Just by our judgment and actions alone
When we are in love
Shows that it’s not easy to
Create or imagine
It’s raw and not simple
Love doesn’t guarantee
That people won’t get hurt
Still as the famous
Quote goes
It is better to have loved
And lost than never to
Have loved at all