The After Effects of Father’s Day

I genuinely believe that our mindset single-handedly can be responsible for generational curses, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We have to love our children enough to not pass on pain of our past to them. The pain of our childhood doesn’t have to haunt us for the rest of our lives. Our strength should be our crutch and not our pain. We can overcome and endure the pain of our childhood.

Events like father’s day can bring a painful childhood to the surface. Believe me; I once knew the pain. I grew up in a broken home for a short amount of time. My father was very abusive to my mother, and so she left him.

When father’s day would roll around years ago, it stirred up the anger that was within me. I was very angry with my father not because he wasn’t in the household. He and my mother could not get along because he was extremely violent. My parents couldn’t live together, and that part I understood. I wasn’t angry because he wasn’t under the same roof. The angry stemmed from him not having contact with my sisters and me at all. It was incredibly selfish of him. He and I never got along because I always reminded him about how abusive he was. To be honest, I felt like he hated me, and it felt like we had no connection at all. I mostly felt bad for my middle sister because she never knew him at all. My mother stayed in contact with his aunt, so he had no excuse at all for abandoning his fatherly duties.

Once I became a mother myself, I realized the importance of having a father in a child’s life. There is no substitution for a father. Whether some people want to accept it or not, God has a design for how things should be. God did not intend for a mother to raise children alone. This is part of the reason for generational curses. The importance of fathers is being downplayed. It’s not okay. Daughters look at their single mothers and feel that they can do it too. Sons become fathers and are like I’ll let the mother do it, she can handle it. After all, my mother did it. Someone has to break the chain so that the pain will end or it will get passed on to the kids.

Until women and men realize the importance of the presence of a father, things can’t get better. Some mothers will continue to cut the fathers out of the children’s lives. Some fathers will be okay with being a deadbeat willingly. Most men and women are angry with their fathers, so let’s stop downplaying their role. A father teaches a daughter how she should be loved. A father teaches a son how to be a man. Fathers are daughters and sons heroes. Everything starts at home, how can children function productively in society when they came from a broken place?

It’s not fair for our children to inherit our pain. We should have children with men who understand the importance of setting consistent examples for their children. Being a great father takes more than the reason for their father being absent; it’s about having the courage to break the cycle.

I am a single mother, and I have been for years, but I am not a father. Just a friendly reminder single parents day is in March, mother’s day is in May, and father’s day is in June. It’s unfair to take way father’s day from the fathers who are going above and beyond. Some fathers have been in their children’s lives from birth up into adulthood. Yes, they do exist. There can be a more great father too all we have to do is let go of childhood hurt and change our mindset.

This is so true:

Being the Light

Above anything, I identify with Christianity
I’m a black woman second
My walk with Christ
Gets tested because
That enemy of ours satan
Is behind the scene
Concocting schemes
I can see it
My heart breaks over George Floyd’s death
I don’t support police brutality
I’m merely saying that
It’s a situation that touches everybody
To a certain degree
Don’t believe me?
Just watch the tv
Listen how people speak
Protesting peacefully
Can get a lot more done
Instead of burning down buildings
Just ask Dr. King
After the smoke clears
Where will people go to shop
For groceries or clothing?
Let’s not forget about COVID-19
It’s still out there
We cry the same kind of tears
We bleed the same color
Our organs can cross racial lines too
I’m going to do what I do best
That’s pray
Look to the cross
Because God is the boss
I look for reasons to understand
And love
Not hate
Some may disagree
That’s fine
All I know is that
One can’t dismiss
The power of something
That they don’t even
Acknowledge that it exists
Unless a bad situation happens
Then it’s “Where is your God now???”
My God is still sitting on the throne
He’s mighty, powerful and true
I’m not adding to
The darkness of hate
It would be a mistake
People of every race are
My sisters and brothers
The same way that I have
This kind of view
They do too
Which is a blessing in my book

Being Jealous What’s the Point?

Many may not believe this, or perhaps you might. I have never been jealous of anything or anybody. Not too long ago, I wrote a post about the fruit of the spirit. Jealousy is a feeling that can get ugly when it gets out of control.

If you find yourself waiting for another’s downfall that’s jealousy. If you find yourself not being able to give sincere compliments that’s jealousy. If you find yourself looking for dirt on a person instead of gold that’s jealousy. If you are trying to get others to think negative about someone that’s jealousy. Being in competition of someone else is jealousy too. Jealousy is an unhealthy emotion and it’s not of God.

Here’s my take on jealousy at one point of my life I weighed over 320 pounds. I weighed more than most of my family members heck more than most people. Springtime or summertime, I would cover up as if it was winter. I never enviously looked at others because I put myself into the position of being overweight. Why be jealous of others behind a position that I put myself in? It makes no sense. I believe if we evaluate ourselves more instead of attacking or blaming others, we all would be great. It’s about the fruit of the spirit.

Feelings, wo-o-o feelings

I am so glad that I walk with God now because I follow His Word. When we follow His Word, we can’t get lost. God’s Word is His Will. He is not the author of confusion. There will be times when we don’t understand what God is doing, which is why we have to trust His Will. It is written in Isaiah 55:8-9 that His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His Ways are higher than ours.

When I first started my blog, I had anger and frustration, just like any other human. I had to do a few wrongs to realize what is right. My blog is a place where openness is displayed positively. Through God’s Word, I recognize where I went wrong, and I have owned it as well as growing from it.

Let me tell you about growth; it is a learning experience. I was once a lost one. Most people hold their feelings higher than God’s, and that only leads to destruction. I no longer go on a fault-finding mission to find evidence that supports my case; God can handle that.

So welcome to my blog, my thoughts have grown since 2016, and I am glad that God called me.


Agape Love

Hearts on fire
Having a burning desire
For only one person
And you never let go
Give me that kind of love
Soft and sweet
As Song of Solomon
Wanting to follow
Ephesians 5 to the letter and
Not wanting to be reminded
About Mark 10:9 ever
Because the love
Is under the protection
Of Ephesians 6
So suit up
Put on that armor
Agape love is the highest
Form of love
That is sent from above
What a blessing it is to want
To love another human
With that kind of love
It is a love that forgives
Understands, uplifts, and extends immeasurable grace
It’s wanting to face
A vast sea of trouble together
Some couples see other couples
And call them goals without knowing
The full history of the relationship
Not me I want my very own testimony
For God’s Glory
The truth is we are all imperfect people
Who try to connect and want to become one
With another imperfect person
All we have to do is be faithful
At not reflecting on the wrongs
But keeping track of what they do right
And let them know it
To still want to fight even through the hurt
To be the wall that bridges the gap
Even when it feels like
It has just a single brick
It’s Hosea to the highest
It’s loving a person through it all
It’s choosing them over and over again
Even if you had the chance to do different
To not give in to throwing in the towel
And making up excuses to do it
I don’t think people realize
How their actions display the kind of love
That one posses
It’s imitating God’s kind of love
And not Hollywood’s
It’s loving for two even when
The other one isn’t doing it
It’s remembering their hearts
In the beginning
Which made you fall
In the love
In the first place
So we keep them
In first place
Not before God of course
Because you trust God
Knowing that they are meant for you
It’s respecting them
In their presence and out of it
They can trust you to take care
Of their name
And not put it to shame
All new relationships and marriages
Will get old
But true love remains
That’s agape love

Speak Life

Words are very powerful be careful of who you come into agreement with!!!

The Covenant Keeper

Bone of my bones
Flesh of my flesh
She will be called Woman
For she was taken out of Man
This man and woman are
Two who will become one
So they are no longer
Are two but one
This was Jesus exact quote
Don’t believe it
Go read the Bible
Anyone who considers themselves
To be of God
Who speaks against this
Isn’t a true Christian
Yeah I said it
If the shoe fits
Wear it
Stop trying to break
God’s Covenant Promise
Or there will be consequences
Like God’s vengeance
It’s best to
Respect other people’s marriages
Even if you don’t like
The person who
Your family member
Is married to
Mind your business
Not doing so is dangerous
God took one rib from Adam
Not a slab
To make just Eve
Not Sarah, April, and Jane
Besides his rib cage was
Needed to protect his
Vital organs especially
His heart so
It could beat for his
God given wife
Holy Matrimony
Is what God intended
There is something
About people being the
Husband and Wife
That God has called them to be
It’s about dying to self
Letting go of selfishness
Stepping outside of
One’s comfort zone
Being a loving husband and wife
Who always desires to
Treat one another right
Always speaking well of one’s spouse
Being truthful
Spending alone time together
Being gentle
Showing your spouse that
You are grateful to have them
How you complete each other
And how it makes
You better because of it
You are one another’s strengthen
Never let them forget
Making them feel like
They matter
And not treating them
Like they are a habit
Regardless of the number
Of years that you two
Have been married
It’s a full commitment until death
A wife should be
A husband’s satisfaction
And a safe place
Be her husband’s release
Not a barrier
A husband should be attentive
All his wife’s concerns
He must understand
Every day he is constantly
Learning each and every one
After all God
Gave him the position
To be the head
Of the household
It’s God’s Way
We must respect it
He knows what is best
There will be times
When trouble may happen
It may be one of
The biggest test
That anyone could ever imagine
Suddenly it feels like
Your world came crashing down
Remember your vows
You can’t stop now
If one person falls
Be strong
Don’t fall too
God has greater
For you two
Every obstacle in
Life is a lesson
And a blessing
To help us to be
A light and a testimony
For others
To show the world
That in spite
Of our circumstances
God is still God
All by Himself
There is no need
For anything else
When all else fails
God will always be there
So many times
Situations have proven
That God’s power is real
Make your spouse
A priority
By doing this
It’s making the marriage
A priority
No matter the battle
Even if things are
Going amazing
Don’t ever stop fighting
To keep what makes
You both so happy

I Won’t Give Up On Love.

Although life dealt me with what
Some may consider to be an
Unlucky hand
I haven’t given up on one of the
Things that
I desire the most and that’s love
I long to feel complete
With the love who embraces who I am
Unique yet difficult at the same
Time who I would
Give my all for
Even if it makes me feel uncomfortable
It’s necessary
In order to grow
Love is feeling vulnerable
I am willing to step out of my
Comfort zone as long as the feelings
Are mutual
I desire a king because I am a queen
A queen longs to take care of her
In ways that all the money in the
Money cannot buy
I want to be the one that he can
Talk to
About whatever it is that’s on his
Mind his desires, his fears always
Backing him in his dreams big
Or small
Never allowing doubt to shadow his
God-given potential and no matter
What I will always remain loyal,
Faithful and true blue
Most men and women were hurt
They have wounds and scars from pain
Even when they move on the hurt
Vowing never to allow themselves to
Trust or love again
But they cannot give up on love
On being united with their
Kings and queens
Join together can you say
Love royalty
Like Meghan and Prince Harry
No one should take love lightly
Or for granted
Love sometimes is treated as a
Bad habit
Some people give love a bad name
Which is something that it doesn’t
It’s something that
Beautiful and pure
Still, people can make a U-turn it
Doesn’t matter about
Life throwing them
A curveball if they wait and
Be Patient
Their love problem will be solved
Love can make the coldest heart warm
When God made man in His image
He thought that a man
Should not be alone
So God made a woman
He intended for a
Woman to be a helpmate
She is to relieve some of his weight
She is to kiss her kings wounds
And forgive his mistakes
Never making him feel like less than
A champion
The greatest love comes from above
With God as our navigator
He will guide us towards things
That are greater that includes
The mate that He has for us
All we have to do is trust
Therefore I won’t give up on love