Father the Builder

Happy Father’s Day 2016, regardless of the date or whether it’s modern time the meaning of being a father never changes. Whether it’s teaching their children how to ride a bike, how to put on a tie or how a man treats a lady a father’s role makes a huge impact that effect the family as well as the community. A father is the backbone of the family he proves stability. A father molds his sons and daughters differently still his presence effect them tremendously. Single mothers it’s Father’s Day don’t take it away from the dads who deserves it by trying to share their day. It’s time for us to humble ourselves and understand our roles as mothers . Let’s stop behaving masculine and more feminine we are women. Give the men who are true fathers respect. We can only do it by allowing the father to do the role that God intended. It’s time to face what some us mothers can not do and that’s being a father. Could it be being the head of household has clouded your judgement well if it hasn’t it’s time to sit in the audience. Let’s give these fathers a round of an applause. It’s time to bring family back. We must love our children enough to allow them to have their fathers.

I have shared part of my life story before. Growing up for awhile it was a single parent home I didn’t not want to be a single parent. I remembered how hard my mother had it and for a long time I hated my father for it. Vowing to never to become a single parent.Sadly I became a single parent obviously God had other plans for my life. Yes I truly believe this there is a blessing in every storm. Look at the people’s lives in the Bible Joseph, Ruth, Esther and even Jesus. You don’t want to see me get pumped. I know that God is awesome and He always gets His glory in everything. We have to worry less and trust more. Worrying doesn’t solve not one thing. Just have to keep praying, trusting and hoping all of it will pay off one day.

As a single parent I understand that it requires a high demand but as a mother I want my sons to have the best. Are there fathers who are not doing what they should? Sure. But I have faith in God soon things will be all good. I believe truly that everything happens for a reason. There are no bad choices just learned lessons. Every lesson is a blessing in some way or another. Think about a thousand puzzle piece it isn’t complete if even one piece is missing. That goes for every lesson that has taken place in our lives. Or time we become wise and we understand why things are the way that they are. Until we do let’s allow the fathers to do the role that God intended for them to do.


Doing Splits

When things are split it’s never a good result. It’s just like a person who has one foot into the world and one with God. It really makes a person look foolish because people of the world and people of God consider it to be hypocrisy. So it’s important to be true to God and He will help us to be true to ourselves.

How you look when you’re half in the world and trying to walk with God.

There is a spiritual war taking place;make up your mind about which world that you will take part in. Leave the splits to the professionals and that’s the cheerleaders.

Amazing Things Happen

No matter what, some people choose to believe unbelievable things don’t happen without God’s help. I’m always amazed when people lose faith or hope, like how can one forget all the number of times that God brought them through happen so easily? When God is in it, one knows because man can not take any credit for it.

I see a lot of Christians who are single that want that special one. Like everything that requires trusting God, so does having that perfect person that God has already designed for you. There is only one special one for each of us; it’s not multiple choice. God knows best. God is able; all we have to do is trust Him!!!

Feed your faith and starve your doubt!!! God will make it happen. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that He lies. God keeps His promises He doesn’t lie.

Being Jealous What’s the Point?

Many may not believe this, or perhaps you might. I have never been jealous of anything or anybody. Not too long ago, I wrote a post about the fruit of the spirit. Jealousy is a feeling that can get ugly when it gets out of control.

If you find yourself waiting for another’s downfall that’s jealousy. If you find yourself not being able to give sincere compliments that’s jealousy. If you find yourself looking for dirt on a person instead of gold that’s jealousy. If you are trying to get others to think negative about someone that’s jealousy. Being in competition of someone else is jealousy too. Jealousy is an unhealthy emotion and it’s not of God.

Here’s my take on jealousy at one point of my life I weighed over 320 pounds. I weighed more than most of my family members heck more than most people. Springtime or summertime, I would cover up as if it was winter. I never enviously looked at others because I put myself into the position of being overweight. Why be jealous of others behind a position that I put myself in? It makes no sense. I believe if we evaluate ourselves more instead of attacking or blaming others, we all would be great. It’s about the fruit of the spirit.

The Biggest Reflection

Reflection brings a lot of clarity. When we are young, we strive to follow a dream when we are older; we surrender to our calling. I remember when I was young, I wanted to be a VJ on MTV. I am glad that dream never happened; MTV is crap TV now.

I choose to accept my calling and own it. A calling is never easy; a person questions if they are right for it. There have been signs that confirm that I will be successful at my calling. Some play the part; I live it.

We all have a calling; some accept it, and others don’t. For some, there are various reasons why people do not accept their calling because they fear what others think. They fear their past even though it’s over. What helps me is knowing that God forgives, and He heals. We all have a past, and many are part of our testimonies. Why??? Because we are no longer the person who we used to be. We have grown, and we are set apart from our old selves. People who remind us of our past we have to ignore, forgive, and place them into God’s Hands.

The most prominent reflection has an epiphany in knowing that we are set free from our pasts, and God can indeed use us!!! Hallelujah!!!

Revelation 12:11 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.

The Fear is Real

To wear a mask or not to wear a mask? That is the question. COVID-19 has the world so tense that it can be cut with a butter knife. Everywhere I turn, I see people wearing a mask; it’s like walking around in an operating room. Social distancing has it to the point where people can’t attend church; it’s so terrible. The fear is real.
I will not wear a mask I refuse, but I will respect other people’s choices. It’s amazing the difference that three months can make. In January, people owned their path and didn’t try to inherit someone else’s. Now everyone thinks that they will get COVID-19. It’s like everyone claiming a heart attack. I will not come into agreement with getting COV-19. A mask is for safety, but I don’t put my faith in it, which is why I won’t wear one. I have been praying because I feel so sad for the children they can’t go to school, and some will miss their prom. This virus has done so much damage; I pray that it goes away quickly.


I want to share some sunshine; it’s realistic. Can I tell you that there is a difference between being safe and living in fear? There are many things to be positive about; the sun is still shining, the flowers are still blooming, and most of all, we are still living. As long as we are living, there is hope and a plan for our lives.

There will be battles, and we win them. Being unrealistic is feeling that bad situations will hang around forever, and that is not true. The truth is, and this is a reality even bad times have an expiration date. Bad times have to go!!! That’s right. I said it. There will be better days ahead for us all. We all have lived long enough to have witnessed tough times expire.

The Love Dare

I decided to step back not because I don’t care about you because I do (very much so) I didn’t want to add to the confusion in your life it’s not what you need or deserve. From what you have shared with me it sounds like it’s very chaotic in your life after all this time I will touch back on that part later. There were so many times that I wanted to reach out to you, but I opted not to. Any decision that you choose should be yours alone, and no one should influence that I don’t care who the person is. What is meant to happen will find its way, and nothing or no one can stop what will be.

I am not going to preach, but I know that God is real He changed me whether you ever get to the point that you believe in Him that is entirely up to you. You have said “that all you wanted was to be able to talk to me.” it just wasn’t the right time. I admit it I was wounded, I was angry, and I was in my feelings God had to work on me it wasn’t a good time. I always felt like I had to fight for you, and I always felt like I wasn’t good enough; we both know the reasons why. Recently, I have asked you to please come to me if you have any questions about me don’t listen to anyone because messengers have motives. When someone tells you something, especially when it’s negative wonder what their motivation is because most times it’s not positive.

Anthony, when we got together, we were so very young. Once we got married, we had no guidance no one ministered to us about anything, which is why I want to counsel couples about marriage. Couples should know what real love is, so they will know how to love each other. I genuinely believe that any marriage can last; it’s what God intended; that’s why He hates divorce. All people have to do is put their egos aside and love their spouses enough. Everyone has days when they are unlovable, and that’s when the test comes in. If we can’t be real with our loved one, there is a problem; it’s imperative to allow them to be able to express their feelings. People have to understand that once a person chooses to marry them, they can’t stop learning about them because we change every day we can’t stop trying to keep their heart just because we feel that we have won it.

I want you to know that every couple has communication problems, not just us when we were a couple. Communication breakdowns will happen because people have different personalities; thus, differences will occur. People have to care about fixing the problem. Every marriage gets bland, has struggles, people get selfish, but people should never forget about the special spark that was the reason why they got married. After all, let’s be honest; no two people get married because they hate each other. Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. It’s not something that is of convenience, marriage is hard, but it’s beautiful too. When people get married, it’s for better or worse, and well we all know the rest of the vows the truth is people only focus on the good parts which is the reason why they can’t handle the hard parts once they occur.

Regardless of the situation good or bad, the Bible says that all things work together for the good. Something good will come from out of all of this, and we all will see it, respect it, accept it, and hopefully grow from it. I will not talk about the past because there is nothing that we can do about that accept grow from it. I will not attack you because I have forgiven you. I won’t fight over you or start drama because God already knows what He is going to do. Also, I know the woman that I am there is no need for all of that. All I can do is trust God. I will say this a real woman who is doing what she should do should never allow her man to ever feel uncomfortable not at our ages. I’m not saying these things because of our history but because I have gained wisdom. If a woman is laying a foundation with her man, she lets everyone know what’s up no matter who they are. She makes everyone respect him because she understands that what a man desires the most is to be respected. She knows that a man goes through enough in the world and shouldn’t have to deal with it at home too. You know why I am saying what I am saying it doesn’t matter how much a person has done for you if they care and it’s from the heart why should it matter? Unless strings are attached to what a person does, perhaps? You are not a lazy man, and you pull your weight. I pray that what I have written frees you to do what you need to do. We are grown-ups there is no room for foolish games life is entirely too short for that. I am expressing myself, and I don’t think that I am putting myself out there; I am not begging you for anything. I am putting this out here on my blog for the whole world to see. Remember, love isn’t a fight; it’s worth fighting for if it’s right. Love is also an action word. Love isn’t a guilt trip or forced; it’s given freely, it’s not a headache, and it flows without problems.


Autumn is my favorite
Of all four of the seasons
Gone are the signs of Summer
The extremely hot and humid weather
With not many breezes
To give some sort of relief
From the uncomfortable
And sometimes unbearable heat
Is it fine if it is
Someone else’s favorite season
But I have trouble believing
That someone would
Choose summer over autumn
What’s not to love?
However to each their own
Thankful that summer is over
And it’s not about having
A beach body
Happy for a season
That requires wearing warm clothing
I be looking forward
To wearing sweaters
As well as
Wondering to myself
Whether or not if it’s
All right to wear my boots yet
Different colored leaves
Falling from soon to be bare trees
Attempting to find out
How many leaves that I can catch
Toasting marshmallows on
Enormous bonfires that contain what
Seems to be eternal flames
Long starry nights
Crisp aired breezes
Everything with pumpkins
Pumpkin pies and don’t
Forget the pumpkin spiced coffee
Mostly importantly football season
So allow autumn
To occupy its place
It’s only for about 89 to 93 days
Just appreciate it’s brief moment
Because in a blink of an eye
It will be gone without
A trace
Then winter will
Begin to whisper
Of it’s arrival
The only hint of autumn that will
Be around are memories
Which can’t be whisked away
Like a rake did to the leaves
That once flew down streets,
Sidewalks, and walkways
If I had my way
Autumn would never go away