My School’s Contest

I am super excited!!! My college is holding a contest and I entered into it. We had to make a video explaining our why. Why did we decide to return back to college? I want to make a difference in the community. I am very concerned about broken homes. I am hoping that I win if not it is still okay because I got a chance to use my voice.

Spare Tire

Society can try to dress up
Infidelity all it wants
Side chicks are not
The go to women
Like a spare tire
They are the least desired
A man pulls her out for a ride
When the original tire is
Out of commission
Due to being damaged
By the hands of the man
But as soon as the original
Is patched up
The spare tire immediately
Goes back into the trunk
Into the darkness
Where no one can see it
Because it’s an eyesore
Ladies don’t be a spare tire
You are worth so much more
Than being a backup plan
For a man
Who has trouble with commitment
Don’t be a secret
Go with an available man
The one whom you are
Destined to be with
Who will love you the most
One who will proclaim
His love for you
From coast to coast
Don’t do something
That you wouldn’t want
Done to you
Don’t be the go to
You are only being a fool

Whose Philosophy was Better?

I had an amazing conversation with one of my friends who is white. He is really concerned about the frequency of hate that is going on. I assured him that everything would be okay because things will be. He asked a interesting question it was whose philosophy did I agree with the most Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X? I respect Malcolm X but I choose Martin Luther King Jr. it’s all about peace and love. The way that I think isn’t received well by some of the people of my race however there are some black people who think the same way as I do. A lot of the way that I think comes from the way that I was raised and my education too.

First off what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia was absolutely terrible everyone at least agrees on that. From my understanding the protest that was took place was pertaining to a confederate statue being removed forgive me if I am wrong. I have already written my views on the confederate flag. There are people who view the confederate flag as their heritage both blacks and whites. No,I do Not support hate I find it repulsive however everyone has the right to exercise their first amendment rights. Problems arise when things become violent which is never good.

Here’s the thing yes slavery took place and there was segregation years ago. Even though my mother grew up during the time of segregation; she was not racist. My mother did not raise me to hate anyone but to love everyone. I once went for classes to be able to volunteer at the YWCA one thing that stuck out during the classes was meeting people where they are. Positive things can happen when we meet people where they are. There are people my age bring up slavery and segregation we never encounter that; our ancestors did. There are white people my age and younger who feel like there have to pay for what their ancestors did. I will never forget how one of my Facebook friends apologized for what her ancestors did; it was heartbreaking. No one should have to feel like they have to pay for a debt of someone else’s wrongdoings, ancestors or not.

It is time for our country to start healing together. All white people aren’t racist. All black people aren’t criminals. Healing cannot be done if salt continues to be applied to a wound. When we cut ourselves from a fall or a paper cut the body immediately begins the healing process. I have two sons and I want them to live in a world that is better than what’s going on now. Going into the past doesn’t solve anything if nothing positive is being done about it. Answering hate with hate does not solve anything. As the great Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Darkness cannot drive out darkness;only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

The Human Race

Bigotry doesn’t make any sense to me
What can I say
Other than I oppose hate
But answering hate with hate is a mistake
What can I say
What can I do
People get killed when
They protest peaceful
Let’s not forget
Heather Heyer bloodshed is not worth it
This wicked world needs more love
I follow my Heavenly Father
So with hate I do not bother
I pray
I refuse to add to the hate
Charlottesville Virginia
Boycotting the NFL
Not standing for the Star Spangled Banner
Black Lives Matter, Black Panthers,
KKK, skinheads and secret racists
All work together
At keeping the division going
Every last one of the people
In the groups I just named
Think that they are doing
What is right
If more people would search
For ways to minus the hate
Instead of reasons to keep it going
The world would be a better place
By understanding one another’s pain
By healing one another
By respecting one another
Sure let’s stand against racism
By standing with our
Brothers and sisters of all colors
Let’s band together like a rainbow
A single race can’t do it alone
Unity gets things done
So let’s love and live as one
One love
One race
The Human Race

Without Fear

I have been trying to come up with
The right words to say to you
I don’t want to scare you away
But at the same time I fear
If I wait too long
You will be gone
Like the way a flower
Is admired for it’s beauty
Human beings can also recognize
Someone as astonishing as you
In today’s society
People are made to feel like
It’s wrong to speak about
What is in their hearts
Well I will say how I feel
You are attentive
You are God fearing
You are a strong believer
You are courageous
Because even though you have
Been hurt you are not
Afraid to love again
You are amazing to me
You have a big heart
Few meaningful words can describe you
Not even Hallmark
Would know where to start
You are not ordinary
Which is why you are
So very special to me
Life is short
And more often then not
We allow windows of opportunities to close
Nothing good hangs around forever
That is why we must cease the moment
I just want you to know
That somewhere in this big world
Whether it’s a cloudy sky
A blue sky
Or a starry sky
I am thinking of you
And praying for you too
I want to be the highlight
Of your day
To be the one who puts
A big smile on your face
To be the one who fills the void
In a empty space
That can never be replaced
I want to make lasting memories with you
I want to be your dream come true
You deserve the best
All I want to do is show you
Let’s love one another without fear

The Child Within

Children can get angry
They can fuss and fight
Yet play again later
I guess their awareness
Of friendship is greater
Than the way we as adults
Look at it
A child enjoys life to the fullest
As if there is no tomorrow
Even though
They are not yet aware
Of how limited time is
And that is why
They act like it
An adult is aware
Of how short time is
Yet we waste our time
On meaningless things
One of the biggest grudges
We have an clear understanding
Of the power of forgiveness
Yet will not use it
Children say how they feel
They keep their feelings real
We as adults many times
Because of past hurts
Conceal how we feel
A child will keep trying
To learning how to ride
A bike no matter
How times they fall
A adult will experience failure once
And never want to try again
What a terrible way to live
It is okay to allow our hearts
To lead as long as our minds
Guide it
It is so important not to forget
To stay in touch with
The child within

The White Stripes

Jack, Jack and more Jack!!!! I absolutely love Jack White! Jack White is incredibly talented. He has been in multiple bands my favorite is the White Stripes of course. I enjoy his solo projects too he’s working on a new one right now. Chris Cornell did a cover of Seven Nation Army and he killed it. I just want to go on record about how much I love Jack White. Jack White looks a little like Johnny Depp. It would be a dream for me to check out his record store Third Man Records. He has broken so many records like the fastest record made. There is so much in store from him I know it and I so cannot wait!

Love’s Dog

We all want to feel it
Yet we all fear it
Nobody wants to be love’s dog
Love is so beautiful
Yet it can be so painful
Seems like nobody wants
To love only one person for
All of eternity anymore
Love today
And it’s gone tomorrow
How can something
That was once so amazing
Be over
Nobody wants to be love’s dog
We become acquainted with love
Then somehow gradually let it go
Feelings that were once mutual gone
Days of laughter
Become sorrow
How can two people
Who seems to have the right chemistry
Relationships’ have an unhappy ending
It’s a mystery
Past situations should have taught us
How to endure
To help us to love better
In the future
We want to front on the person
Whom we want our forever with
We refuse to think
Beyond temperamental differences and bad memories
In our quest to love
We must think differently
It’s truly essential
But things can’t take off because
Nobody wants to be love’s dog
From lovely days to
Lonely days
We close the entrances to our hearts
That have been damaged severely
From heartache, broken trust,
And major disappointments
All by the one whom we thought was appointed
To us beyond a belief moment
Nobody wants to be love’s dog
The world today
Sleeps on opportunities
Instead of ceases it
Treating it like a layaway
As if true love waits
And never goes away
We all want a happily ever after
But love’s unpredictability
Can be too much to bare
Nobody wants to be love’s dog