Being the Light

Above anything, I identify with Christianity
I’m a black woman second
My walk with Christ
Gets tested because
That enemy of ours satan
Is behind the scene
Concocting schemes
I can see it
My heart breaks over George Floyd’s death
I don’t support police brutality
I’m merely saying that
It’s a situation that touches everybody
To a certain degree
Don’t believe me?
Just watch the tv
Listen how people speak
Protesting peacefully
Can get a lot more done
Instead of burning down buildings
Just ask Dr. King
After the smoke clears
Where will people go to shop
For groceries or clothing?
Let’s not forget about COVID-19
It’s still out there
We cry the same kind of tears
We bleed the same color
Our organs can cross racial lines too
I’m going to do what I do best
That’s pray
Look to the cross
Because God is the boss
I look for reasons to understand
And love
Not hate
Some may disagree
That’s fine
All I know is that
One can’t dismiss
The power of something
That they don’t even
Acknowledge that it exists
Unless a bad situation happens
Then it’s “Where is your God now???”
My God is still sitting on the throne
He’s mighty, powerful and true
I’m not adding to
The darkness of hate
It would be a mistake
People of every race are
My sisters and brothers
The same way that I have
This kind of view
They do too
Which is a blessing in my book

The Blessing of Unity

With every course that I take there is something that sticks out to me that gets me to thinking. Multicultural alliance is so important. Different people have a way of thinking and do things differently. Cross-cultural communication is so important it helps people to become intuitive and sensitive to others which helps with interacting. Communication helps with understanding others. It’s also should be understood that individualistic and collectivistic cultures differ too especially in a negative sense. I can’t stand when a person want to lump a whole entire group of people together based on a bad experience with one person.

I watched an interview that Phil Anselmo did, he is the former lead singer of Pantera. Some people call him racist because of comments that he made in the past. He spoke of how he was an angry insolent child. He has gotten older and has matured. I know of people who were racist and they later changed. I’m not saying that he ever was. I do know that skinheads and the KKK seek children who are angry and hurt to direct those emotions towards people of different races. Remember the movie American History X?

I saw a post that was so hateful about how the black people of today could never measure up to the black people of the 60s, I agree to a certain extent. The black people of today are strangers to the importance of unity. Not unity within the black community only but across racial lines. Some of the black people of today are tearing down the hard work that was done in the 60s.

There were some things that I did not agree with when Obama was in the office but I did admire how his cabinet was multicultural. He understood the importance of people from every culture. People from all walks of life can offer some sound advice because sometimes the most valuable advice is the kind that isn’t taken. I refuse to let that happen. I don’t want to miss a thing.

I have a post about sisterhood and I consider my few friends as sisters. My friends are of different races. I am black and I don’t have anything against some black women just the ones who makes everything a competition it’s not that serious. We as a people we can sometimes be our own enemies and it is for no reason. For an example if more black women choose to date outside of their race that’s great. What difference does it make if or when people come around? As long as they are doing better. Do you really want to see one another succeed? Or is it about getting into a person’s business to use them as a case study? There was a time when we all thought differently about so many things. So why not extend the courtesy of understanding to others? We know more now then we did ten or even twenty years ago and so on. Come on. And why does everything have to be about whose idea was first George Washington Carver made peanut butter but do you think people think about that when they are eating Skippy or Jif? The first computer was made in 1946 but do you think the people on an apple computer thinks of that. Interracial couples have been around since the time of Moses maybe before then. Which was before all of was born! Self centeredness and self absorbed people just grind my gears!!!

My whole point is nothing positive comes from hate or division even if some don’t want to admit it. Unity stays in my vision.


With every course that I take, there is something that sticks out to me that gets me to thinking. Multicultural alliance is so important. Different people have a way of thinking and doing things differently. Cross-cultural communication is so important it helps people to become intuitive and sensitive to others, which helps with interacting. Communication helps with understanding others. It’s also should be understood that individualistic and collectivistic cultures differ too primarily in a negative sense. I can’t stand when a person wants to lump a whole group of people together based on a bad experience with one person, which is why I say some about certain people and not all.

I watched an interview that Phil Anselmo did; he is the former lead singer of Pantera. Some people call him a racist because of comments that he made in the past. He spoke of how he was an angry insolent child. He has gotten older and has matured. I know of racist people, and they later changed. I’m not saying that he ever was. I do know that skinheads and the KKK seek children who are angry and hurt to direct those emotions towards people of different races. Remember the movie American History X?

I saw a post that was so hateful it spoke about how the black people of today could never measure up to the black people of the 60s. I agree to a certain extent. The black people of today are strangers to the importance of unity. Not unity within the black community only but across racial lines. Some of the black people of today are tearing down the hard work that was done in the 60s.

There were some things that I did not agree with when Obama was in the office, but I did admire how his cabinet was multicultural. He understood the importance of people from every culture. People from all walks of life can offer some sound advice because sometimes the most valuable lesson is the kind that isn’t taken. I refuse to let that happen. I don’t want to miss a thing.

I have a post about sisterhood, and I consider my few friends as sisters. My friends are of different races. I am black, and I don’t have anything against some black women just the ones who makes everything a competition it’s not that serious. We as people, can sometimes be our enemies, and it is for no reason. For example, if more black women choose to date outside of their race, that’s great. What difference does it make if or when people come around? As long as they are doing better. Do you want to see one another succeed? Or is it about getting into a person’s business to use them as a case study? There was a time when we all thought differently about so many things. So why not extend the courtesy of understanding to others? We know more now then we did ten years ago and so on. Come on. And why does everything have to be about who idea was first George Washington Carver made peanut butter but do you think people think about that when they are eating Skippy or Jif. The first computer was established in 1946 but do you think the people on an apple computer thinks of that. Self-centeredness and self-absorbed people grind my gears!!!

My whole point is nothing positive comes from hate or division even if some don’t want to admit it. Unity stays in my vision.

Racist Boyfriend?

Yesterday was a crazy day for me. On Facebook, I’m in a couple of swirl groups. I swear the people who allow people into the groups should make sure that they are screened more thoroughly. I think that some are black men hiding behind a fake profile picture.

There was a question asked in the group. The question was, can a white man date a black woman and be racist? Here we go going through the same thing. Here we go again!

It’s always someone who is trying to scare black women from being open-minded about who she wants to date. The question opened up a sea of emotions. This person caused hysteria with this one question it opened up all kinds of what ifs. Some of the women started to speak of some white men possibly having fetishes but that doesn’t bother me here’s why:
A form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
“Victorian men developed fetishes focusing on feet, shoes, and boots.”

Most black men love black women’s butts!!!! Trust me on this; I’m just saying.

The question made some of the white men in the group feel uncomfortable, and I didn’t blame them. It had some people questioning white men’s motives for dating black women — just a bunch of foolishness. We should be allowed to date who we choose without people trying to destroy it, and it was a black woman doing it.

Some black men have wasted years that should have been spent on developing a career or getting a degree and instead have accumulated baggage like children with different women, out of wedlock, of course. The 77% out of wedlock birth rate proves this. Let’s not get me started on the IBM they aren’t marrying anyone, but they are open to multiple women trying out for a position that they aren’t thinking about. The fact is there is a shortage of quality black men, and the solution is to date out.

We can’t live in fear of what could happen. Are there racist white men that a black woman could come across? Sure. Just like a black woman could come across a black man who’s abusive, disrespectful, and a cheater. The chances of a racist white guy dating a black woman are slim to none. That’s facts.

Look every time we take a chance at love there is a possibility that a bad thing could happen and good things can happen too. Still, good things can’t happen if we aren’t open to the opportunity! The right man for us may not look like what we expect. Expectations and assumptions only help us to miss out because they are always wrong. I refuse to live in fear. If there is a black woman, who fears dating white men because of the chance that they may be racist, there is an excellent solution for that don’t swirl. It’s just that simple.

Just a Thought

I have been meaning to post about this days ago. It’s about Nia Wilson she was killed because of a random act. Everywhere on Facebook it’s hashtag justice for Nia Wilson. I would like to say that I have her family in my prayers.

I find some of the people of my race comical. I read a post by a black man that said:
Dear White Men,
“In my presence Do Not And I Repeat Do Not Disrespect, Touch, Cuss, Do Anything To Harm My Black Women!”
Is this brother serious? I have seen him tell black women when they complain about black men to “choose better.” This is the kind of stuff that I am talking about!!! I can’t and don’t take some of these black men seriously. The hypocrisy is unreal! I see it every day.

What I am about to write could piss people off but it’s my opinion which I am entitled to. There is a video that I saw and the lady made a lot of sense. She spoke of how when she researched further about the Nia Wilson’s story that she found other stories that no one was talking about.

I’ll tell you the reason why the Nia Wilson story is talked about and not the others for the same reason why Rosa Parks was talked about and Claudette Colvin wasn’t. Or the Lovings and not Elinor Powell. The black community pick and choose the stories that they want to get outraged about. Some black people look at looks, prestige, and skin color as important and blame the white race. If you don’t believe me read Claudette Colvin’s story.

The moment that some black people see a situation with a white person they scream racism. It’s not always about race. I’m so sorry about Nia Wilson but the fact is more black women die by the hands of black men. There are more violent black on black crimes than black people being killed by another race. Murder is never right by anyone’s hands just like it’s not right to make up excuses about black on black crime. Where is the outrage about domestic violence? Where is the outrage when an innocent child is killed during a drive by? Where is the outrage about gang violence?

I wrote a post about this a few days ago all of my life I have embraced who I am. I have never followed the trend but did what made me happy. The point is some black people in the community pick and choose what to get outraged out as well as who to embrace. I have been mistreated by people who share my skin color however that’s a post for another day.

All life is precious and no one has the right to cut someone else’s short I don’t care what race the person is.

Our History

A past is something that we all have. Today will be yesterday by this time tomorrow. Will I make a mistake? Will I offend someone? Will I overcook my broccoli? Will I wear my wig wrong and never be able to live it down? Will someone have a problem with the way that I lived my life ten years from now? When I get into a relationship how much of my past is owed to my partner? If I have worked my past out with God why should I have to dig up old bones again? I am not trying to pull out skeletons that are in my closet and lay them across the bed like a wardrobe. Explaining this mistake and that mistake. Really?! I am torn about this subject. I have so many questions and feelings.

In the news there has been waves made about this amazing Youtube couple name Justin and Ami McClure. Mr. and Mrs. McClure are a interracial couple who has a set of twins and a son. Recently, Mr. McClure’s past came back to haunt him. Many years ago before Mr. McClure got married he made some racist tweets about black people and black women. This situation has caused a media frenzy and I pray that their marriage can withstand this situation. I believe that Mr. McClure learned from his mistake there are many who refuse to allow him to live it down. It is obvious that he loves his family. This man adopted the twins if that doesn’t show that he’s a man of substance I don’t know what will. There are a lot of men who don’t take care of their children and he’s not one of them. Just Sayin.

It’s funny how last night I kind of got into a small debate about women who have been divorced giving a single or married couples advice. The guy felt that a divorced woman couldn’t give advice because her marriage didn’t last. As if a wife is solely responsible for keeping a marriage together. A person can’t keep a person who doesn’t want to be kept. In my opinion marriages end every day for different reasons. If a man cheats should a woman stay? If a woman cheats should a man stay? If a man is a drug addict should a woman stay? I get tired of one sided people. This man calls himself a Christian yet it’s the wife’s fault if a marriage falls apart? What happened to the husband being the head bruh? One of his female facebook’s friends jumped on the post coming for me. SMH! Ummm Sis. You go right ahead on and talk to yourself. Long story short I believe that experience is the best teacher. A mistake is a mistake no matter what kind that it is. Oh we can choose what a mistake is now? Suppose people got married young and things didn’t work out? Maybe the people who got married young can give advice about why getting married young was a bad choice. The base word of message is mess. A message can’t happen without a mess happening. We can learn from the past that’s why they teach history in school.

I don’t know about anyone else but I refuse to be bonded by my mistakes. I’m not going to keep reliving things. I might get involved with a partner and have to explain something that happened years ago? I don’t think so. If a person was married before okay then they should share that information. No one wants to have their past dug up. Our present is a gift that affects our future. The past is over and we have to be careful of people who are out to hurt us. Mr.McClure’s tweets are many years old and no I am not saying it’s okay. All I am asking is how long do we have to keep reliving something that is over? And why is it that some people gets a quicker pass than others? They will extend the courtesy a million miles long for certain people. I refuse to not live my life to the fullest out of fear. I have dealt with my past as far as I am concerned if there is nothing in my past that will hurt my partner later then there is nothing to discuss. Cars don’t drive backwards. People don’t walk backwards. So why should I live my life constantly looking back. Everyone has made mistakes and will continue to do so it’s called being human. The worst thing about a mistake is if nothing was learned from it. So I am erasing my past mistakes unless they can be useful to somebody else, besides that there is no need of studying my past one won’t be able to earn a degree from it.

I’m Not For Racism

I’m not for racism but I can’t stand hypocrisy either. Stupidity doesn’t work well for me. I have said this time and time again I hate the “N” word, no one should use it regardless of their race!

Yes. The CEO of Papa John’s was wrong along with everyone who uses racial slurs no one is better than a anyone else. Some black people use the “N” word but get up in an uproar when someone from another race uses it. What’s the difference? Can someone please explain this to me? I read a post from a person stating that they didn’t feel sorry for the CEO of Papa John’s that they don’t feel sorry for racists. Yet this person has never corrected the black people who uses the word. The person only talked about the “racist white people” who uses it. Well let me ask something is a black person who uses the “N” word racist? One needs to be careful about the reasons why it’s okay for black people to be able to use that word.

The definition of the “N” word is Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a member of any dark-skinned people.

This is why I speak of the dysfunction within the black community some thinks it’s okay to use the “N” like they get a free pass. If this word is so offensive why is it okay for anyone to use it? I have some people who want to bully me because of my mentality it’s okay with me because I don’t take them seriously.

I get tired of all the foolishness that I see. Every time a white person gets caught saying a racial slur “it’s see I told you” but they don’t correct the black people who say it. I believe and I could be wrong but some people love to choose battles that are easy. Some black people know if they complain enough companies will fire people and apologize immediately. They won’t say anything to the black people who use the “N” because they may use it themselves or the feel that they are justified to use it.

Some people have a bullying spirit they are ready to jump on those who they can intimidate. Just like how some of these black men be on the internet calling black women names and talking about how they are. Some of these black men claim to care about the community but they don’t say a word to black men. The last time I checked the black community consisted of more than just the women. And no I’m not getting off track I’m talking about the hypocrisy that goes on.

When some black people get upset about another race using the “N” word and not their own. Isn’t that calling the kettle black? Come on now!!! People are good at holding up a mirror up at other people but would rather drop it and chance getting cut by glass before they are willing to face themselves.

The Headaches of Dating Interracially

The other day I saw a post from a white lady that said:

“Dear Black men and black women,
Why is that when love joins two people together of different races does this become a problem with you? You say that you love and serve God yet your hatred from the unity of two people in love says differently. God didn’t teach this. If you hate on others it is like hating yourself. Stop that. Stop creating problems where there is no problem. Leave people to live, love and to be free. It’s as simple as that. I love you all and God loves you most. Be good and kind to each other. As God says love one another as you love ourselves. Amen”

I have nothing against this lady she’s wonderful but she really got me to thinking. Especially about people’s true thoughts on interracial dating. On Youtube videos of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex they are filled with hateful words some are from white people who are calling her racist names. Meghan is half black and half white, yet they look at her as being completely black. Which to me is racist. Why can’t Meghan be seen for the person that she is? Racist people can’t do it, that’s why.

Now I am not sure of what exactly she saw that made her post this. However, I could give a hill of beans about who black men date or marry. I am not into black men and they can date whomever they choose. I hope that they feel the same way about black women too. It’s crazy to me. This lady addressed black people it’s highly doubtful that she saw Chelsy Davy’s face. Please don’t tell me that it was just because Harry was getting married either. In case a reminder is needed of Chelsy’s expression at Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding. Her facial impression was so apparent that it produced a sea of memes.

I remember when a white guy that I was talking to said that everyone is a little racist. I’m not sure whether or not that it’s really true. I do know by this lady making a post it could mean a few things mostly that she saw something that a black person did.

If we look at the rate that black men date out people are used to it. Most people are used to seeing black men with women of other races. Black women are just becoming comfortable with opening up their dating options. I have experience dating white men and I have gotten stares from black men as well as white women. So it’s not a black people thing only, it’s a racial thing that shows when people of different races are dating.

Icky Racism

I saw something on You-Tube that was absolutely disgusting. There was a video from Jack White’s concert where Jack White sang Icky Trump instead of Icky Thump. Now if you have been following me long enough it’s no secret how much of a humongous fan that I am of Jack White. I love his music. Anyway, there was a commenter who made a icky comment that was very racist.

Jack White has been very vocal about his feelings towards Donald Trump. When Jack White did his lyrics it said “Who’s using who? What should we do? Well you can’t be a pimp and a prosititute too. Jack White Add That’s for you Trump. You can’t be a president and a prostitute too.” This is in response to America’s immigration policies.

So under the video an icky commenter made some foul comments besides the grammar being repulsive saying things like Black and Latinos aren’t into Jack White’s music!!!! Dude seriously?!

I am pretty sure that I am not the only black person in the world who appreciates the brilliance of Jack White’s music. I have Jack White t-shirts, listens to him just about every day and brought a ticket to see him play in Washington, D.C. If you ask my family and friends who’s my favorite musician they will say Jack White.

I am all for freedom of speech but I draw the line at stupidity. Racism is just plain Icky.

My top songs for 2017 and looks who’s number 1!!!
Screenshot 2018-06-05 at 12.47.39 PM

Are We Obligated?

More and more I am seeing other people in my race asking this question “Are we obligated”. Just because we share the same skin color doesn’t mean that we support or think the same way.

I have always thought differently from the black collective. No, I don’t support things that will cause division. If a black person says people can support who they want in politics or people can love who they choose. They had better get ready for the pushbacks and attacks. The main attacks are the name calling and the public humiliation. It’s all silencing tactics and frankly no I don’t want to align myself with people who will attack as soon as you don’t agree about something.

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Here are the facts, yes white people have done things in the past but Not to me directly, the people who hurt me the most look like me. During the month of black history, there needs to be more honesty about what the black race did to each other.

In my opinion, we can never move forward as a race without placing the blame where it belongs. Everything isn’t the white people’s fault. Sorry but not sorry. I’m just being honest.