The Headaches of Dating Interracially

The other day I saw a post from a white lady that said:

“Dear Black men and black women,
Why is that when love joins two people together of different races does this become a problem with you? You say that you love and serve God yet your hatred from the unity of two people in love says differently. God didn’t teach this. If you hate on others it is like hating yourself. Stop that. Stop creating problems where there is no problem. Leave people to live, love and to be free. It’s as simple as that. I love you all and God loves you most. Be good and kind to each other. As God says love one another as you love ourselves. Amen”

I have nothing against this lady she’s wonderful but she really got me to thinking. Especially about people’s true thoughts on interracial dating. On Youtube videos of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex they are filled with hateful words some are from white people who are calling her racist names. Meghan is half black and half white, yet they look at her as being completely black. Which to me is racist. Why can’t Meghan be seen for the person that she is? Racist people can’t do it, that’s why.

Now I am not sure of what exactly she saw that made her post this. However, I could give a hill of beans about who black men date or marry. I am not into black men and they can date whomever they choose. I hope that they feel the same way about black women too. It’s crazy to me. This lady addressed black people it’s highly doubtful that she saw Chelsy Davy’s face. Please don’t tell me that it was just because Harry was getting married either. In case a reminder is needed of Chelsy’s expression at Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding. Her facial impression was so apparent that it produced a sea of memes.

I remember when a white guy that I was talking to said that everyone is a little racist. I’m not sure whether or not that it’s really true. I do know by this lady making a post it could mean a few things mostly that she saw something that a black person did.

If we look at the rate that black men date out people are used to it. Most people are used to seeing black men with women of other races. Black women are just becoming comfortable with opening up their dating options. I have experience dating white men and I have gotten stares from black men as well as white women. So it’s not a black people thing only, it’s a racial thing that shows when people of different races are dating.

Happy Birthday Lil Sis

Happy Birthday to my lil Sis
You are a gift
That is tremendous
Anyone who gets to meet you
Should consider themselves blessed
You are you unapologetically
I am glad that God sent
You to me
In the past
I have spoken about
The few ups and downs
That we have encountered
But over the years
I have came to realize
That no one has
A relationship that’s perfect
It’s about how people
Care enough to
Work through things
And bounce back
Stronger than ever
To get things resolved
So that misunderstandings
Never happen again
You are not just
My lil sister
But my best friend
A bond that goes
Beyond blood
It’s something
That runs deeper
It’s about who is
In my heart
And that is where you are
This is why I made
You this card
Because these words
Aren’t found in Hallmark
Happy Birthday
I love you more than words can say

Puddle of Mudd

As I was looking through my Facebook news feed I saw advertising from FM99 about a Puddle of Mudd concert. Memories of me listening to the song Blurry came crashing through. So I went on YouTube to watch the video. As I watched the video for Blurry I read the comments.

It sadden me to know about Wes Scantlin’s substance abuse problems. I’m glad that he went into rehab and I pray that everything works out for him.

People judge a person with substance abuse problems not realizing most times when a person has the problems there is always a reason why. We all have battles that we need to overcome and for some it’s substance abuse. I try really hard to empathize with others and do it with genuineness. Lest we forget that no one is exempt from hard times.

For the Time That We Are Here

Lit a candle in remembrance
Of all the people
Who passed away
Someone’s best friend
Someone’s wife or husband
Someone’s brother, sister, or cousin
Someone who was held near and dear
The pain of loss
Can put anybody into tears
And then here comes the fears
The realization
Of how short life is
Becomes painfully clear
Some people prepare
By having a relationship with Jesus Christ
Some people prepare
By getting life insurance
Some people prepare
In others ways
And all of these things are great
Regardless of what people
Do as ways to prepare
What do we do
For the time that
We are still here
Life is precious
It should not be spent
Wasting time
On hate
On grudges
On fear
We should live
A life that is filled with love
A life with a heart of forgiveness
A life that is lived fearless
Forgetting about the things
That we cannot fix
It shouldn’t have to take
The passing of someone special
To realize this
We should live life
Appreciating the people
Today before they go away
There are not many
Opportunities for second chances
So when they present
Themselves grab them
All while enjoying the lives
That we are blessed with
Because it’s a gift

Vinnie Paul

Time is flying and sadly people are passing away. I remember when it was the tenth anniversary of “Dimebag” passing and I gave him a shout out. Seconds later a dude posted a subliminal message saying “people act like they knew “Dimebag” personally or something. I’m like dude no I didn’t know the guy but growing up music saved my life and this band’s music helped me a lot.

Vinnie Paul a drummer and his brother “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott a guitarist helped to form the band Pantera in the 80s. Pantera helped to make the 80s and 90s to be amazing years of my life growing up. My favorite album by Pantera is “Far Beyond Driven”. The songs that I love by Pantera are Walk, I’m Broken, and 5 Mintues Alone. My mother brought me a Pantera shirt I felt like it was the dopest thing ever!

In 2004 “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott was killed while he was playing a concert with his new band Damageplan. Yesterday Vinnie passed away it’s so sad. Thanks for helping to make music great! RIP!

Age Ain’t Nothin But A Number?

You are only as old as you feel, riiiiight. The other day I received a reality check. A young person spoke about old heads. So I was like who is an old head? The next thing I know I’m on google researching the phrase old head and what age is a person considered to be an old head. Darn these urban phrases I just posted about this the other day! Anyway, immediately I checked the meaning of an old head. The urban dictionary describes old head as someone who has been in the scene before you or your group. There was a second definition of old head that stated someone who is still in the scene beyond the “acceptable” or expected age. Now let’s think about what kinds of scenes are not acceptable for an old head to be at like a club perhaps? I’m not really sure.

Am I that parent who just doesn’t understand now? Hmmmm. The other day I realized the age of the songs that I loved growing up lets just say that time has really flew by. I am definitely not giving up music even if I am what a young person would consider to be an “old head”. I’ll try not to overthink about my age in my head.

LMBO. One day the young people will come to know what an old head is because they will become one. I am no hurry for them to find out though because I’ll be a senior citizen God willing. I remember when a good friend of mine and I were talking about age. The person said” That everyone will always be younger than a group people, that everyone will always be older than a group of people, and that everyone will always be the same age as a group of people. Yeap, that’s about the best way to some it up.

For the Record

One of the things that I admire about Jack White is his love for vinyl records but I do not like to repeat myself like a scratched LP. Several times I have shared my feelings pertaining to politics. I do not like to get into politics, especially with people who cannot respect a person’s right to support what one chooses. The only time I get worked up about politics is when I feel that my religious freedoms are at stake.

I grew up in a Christian household. We went to church every Sunday and sometimes Bible study would be held in our home. My mother would vote in every election and she voted democratic across the board. When my sisters and I turned 18 we had to register to vote. For the record my mother worked hard up until she wasn’t able to because she was dying from cancer. Let me share the kind of mother that she was the last Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner she cooked before she died was done while she was in a wheelchair. My mother did not live off the government but she felt that democrats cared about poor people. She instilled her beliefs into my sisters and I. I changed my mind about republicans once I met a politician name Thelma Drake. One of the first posts that I wrote on my blog was about Thelma Drake and how she changed my mind about republicans and democrats.

There can be so much confusion that comes out of politics. I mean shoot someone might judge me because I love Jack White. Jack White has voiced his opinion more than once about Trump. Someone might judge a person who calls themselves a Christian and is conservative, yet supports gay rights. The biggest opinion right now is people who voted for Trump are all racists. Which isn’t the truth. See what I mean? I just don’t like to get into politics too much for so many reasons. It’s simply not always black and white when it comes to politics, yet many people act like it is.

I have witnessed great people have a falling out behind politics. In my opinion when we scratch beneath the surface of politics it all boils down to the ideology lines between democrats and republicans. It’s just my opinion on things. If it’s okay to have an opinion. Another thing Trump is the president, we have to accept and respect it. Just because people doesn’t like the fact that Trump is president will not change it. People once had to accept that Obama was president too.

What makes our country great is our right to choose. It’s crazy that in a country where we have the right to vote for who we want in the office drag out fights occur behind it. It doesn’t make any kind of sense to me. Why do things have to get so ugly? So whether you are a donkey or elephant, so what. Can we all agree to disagree? Vote for and support for whomever is it that makes you happy, just don’t be ugly about it. For every reason why a person feels it’s right to be democratic, someone can come up with reasons why republicans are right.

Best Day Ever

Mr. Sun came up and he smiled at me
Said it’s gonna be a good one just wait and see
Jumped out of bed and I ran outside
Feeling so extra ecstatified

It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)

I sung this song better than SpongeBob Square Pants. Indeed, yesterday was the best day ever because Jack White added more tour dates for September!!!
It’s incredibly obvious about how much I love Jack White. I brought a ticket to see him in Washington D.C and I’m willing to travel far to see him. Jack White is a genius. He’s a very gifted songwriter and he’s not afraid to branch out with his music. When he does a interview a person can hear how intelligent that he is.
I watched an interview that he did in Canada and it was great. By the way during the interview it was shared that Jack White’s album was number 1. I also thought it was cool when he brought his mother on stage with him recently. Jack Rules!!!
Pop may be popular but one day rock will make a huge comeback and Jack will be the cause of that!!!

Trent Reznor

Trent Reznor is a songwriter who is the lead singer of the band Nine Inch Nails. Every chance that I get I have to make a point to mention that Trent and I share the same birthday. Trent is a man of greatness. Who wouldn’t be proud to share the same birthday as him? In 1989 I was watching MTV and saw the video “Head Like Hole”. I asked my mother to get me Nine Inch Nails’ cassette. I was super stoked when she got it for me. It always felt like Christmas when I would get a new cassette.

My favorite album by Nine Inch Nails has to be “The Downward Spiral”. It’s the second album by Nine Inch Nails. The whole album is good but my favorite songs are “Closer, Hurt, and March of the Pigs”.

Nine Inch Nails recently performed in Las Vegas. Trent Reznor sounded amazing I watched the performance on YouTube. The highlights of the performance was the debut track called “Ahead of Ourselves” and the cover of Joy Division’s “Digital”.

The After Effects of Father’s Day

I genuinely believe that our mindset single-handedly can be responsible for generational curses, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We have to love our children enough to not pass on pain of our past to them. The pain of our childhood doesn’t have to haunt us for the rest of our lives. Our strength should be our crutch and not our pain. We can overcome and endure the pain of our childhood.

Events like father’s day can bring a painful childhood to the surface. Believe me; I once knew the pain. I grew up in a broken home for a short amount of time. My father was very abusive to my mother, and so she left him.

When father’s day would roll around years ago, it stirred up the anger that was within me. I was very angry with my father not because he wasn’t in the household. He and my mother could not get along because he was extremely violent. My parent couldn’t live together, and that part I understood. I wasn’t angry because he wasn’t under the same roof. The angry stemmed from him not having contact with my sisters and me at all. It was incredibly selfish of him. He and I never got along because I always reminded him about how abusive he was. To be honest, I felt like he hated me, and it felt like we had no connection at all. I mostly felt bad for my middle sister because she never knew him at all. My mother stayed in contact with his aunt, so he had no excuse at all for abandoning his fatherly duties.

Once I became a mother myself, I realized the importance of having a father in a child’s life. There is no substitution for a father. Whether some people want to accept it or not, God has a design for how things should be. God did not intend for a mother to raise children alone. This is part of the reason for generational curses. The importance of fathers is being downplayed. It’s not okay. Daughters look at their single mothers and feel that they can do it too. Sons become fathers and are like I’ll let the mother do it, she can handle it. After all, my mother did it. Someone has to break the chain so that the pain will end or it will get passed on to the kids.

Until women and men realize the importance of the presence of a father, things can’t get better. Some mothers will continue to cut the fathers out of the children’s lives. Some fathers will be okay with being a deadbeat willingly. Most men and women are angry with their fathers, so let’s stop downplaying their role. A father teaches a daughter how she should be loved. A father teaches a son how to be a man. Fathers are daughters and sons heroes. Everything starts at home, how can children function productively in society when they came from a broken place?

It’s not fair for our children to inherit our pain. We should have children with men who understand the importance of setting consistent examples for their children. Being a great father takes more than the reason for their father being absent; it’s about having the courage to break the cycle.

I am a single mother, and I have been for years, but I am not a father. Just a friendly reminder single parents day is in March, mother’s day is in May, and father’s day is in June. It’s unfair to take way father’s day from the fathers who are going above and beyond. Some fathers have been in their children’s lives from birth up into adulthood. Yes, they do exist. There can be a more great father too all we have to do is let go of childhood hurt and change our mindset.

This is so true: