Does Every Kiss Really Begin With Kay ?

Tis the season of engagements, Christmas is the time of year when people make it official the most. I have a post about love being more valuable than a ring. I also believe that it’s the thought that counts as well. If a millionaire gave a person a 20.00 engagement ring, would the person still receive a kiss? The other day I posted about how some black people attack others behind their opinions, and this situation isn’t any different. There was a lady on Facebook who made a video about the possible reason for all the recent engagements. Kay Jewelers has a sale of rings and earrings for 19.99. The lady said that she noticed a lot of women getting in engaged with these rings for 19.99. Maannn!!! This lady’s video has gone viral, and she’s a black lady by the way. The video has thousands of comments which many are abusive name calling and shaming this lady behind her opinion. It’s comical to me because I guarantee that the very people who claim that the price of a ring doesn’t matter would act entirely different if they were in that position. If a guy has on Jordan’s and owns an iPhone X or a Samsung Galaxy S8 and proposed with a 19.99 ring? Would they say yes? Somebody ain’t being truthful. The high divorce rates and low marriages rates within the black community say so.

kay-jewelers - Edited

For the record, I think the jewelry looks very pretty. I believe love is more important than a ring; material things come and go. There have been families who have lost all their valuables in a fire or flood. My point is how the woman who made a video about her opinion went viral with over a million views. People are giving her all this attention to be mean to her, and it isn’t right. Differences of opinion are just Not accepted, and they are welcomed with insults. I wouldn’t be surprised or doubt it if I’m being bashed somewhere behind expressing my opinions and experiences. A group is trashing me. But that’s only supporting what I am saying. Yeah, I said it!!!!

Rejection is a Blessing

Rejection is a blessing!!! When I was younger rejection used to bother me, then I realized it’s their loss, not mine. Everyone isn’t going to like me, and I am okay with that. I was watching a You-Tube video, and the lady made some fantastic points about not being the collective of black people. I have felt this way all of my life, I listen to all kinds of music, and I think a completely different way for sure. She spoke of how her people who are black people have been the cruelest towards her, and it wasn’t the other races of people. I can testify about what she said. This used to bother me, but I have since embraced who I am. I go where I am appreciated. I am thrilled because I feel free, and that’s a blessing. I will not hide my feelings, likes, or dislikes if people don’t like who I am then goodbye. It means our time has expired and I am good trust me on this!!!! Everything happens for a reason, and some people are for a season.

I have written posts about being honest about what’s going on within the black community. The numbers don’t lie, and it’s not wrong information. Some people don’t want to face the truth, which means they are not ready to change the community. We have to be honest about the problems that are in the black community. If you speak about what’s wrong in the black community, you will get attacked. People will be on you quicker than Clark Kent can find a phone booth and change into Superman. Instead of using google to stalk people or attempt to “expose others” how about using it to find out about the black babies being born out of wedlock, high divorce, and low marriage rates if that doesn’t make you want to promote positive changes I’m not sure what will. Change within the black community can’t come by blaming the white race for why the community is the way that it is when we are setting today’s trend of negativity and damage. I don’t want to hear about Andrew Jackson with slaves and being on the money. Can we get up to date Harriet Tubman is on the front of the money Andrew Jackson is on the back….like how slavery is back in the day? I am very familiar with what took place years ago.

Don’t tell me that you support your people when black people have a business some of you expect a hookup. Complain about the prices in a black-owned restaurant but pay good money in another. SMH!!! Ahhhhhh!!! The Contradictory. We speak of being one of the most tolerant races, yet some people are quick to reject people who are different from them. I thank God for helping me to be happy with who I am that way I won’t waste my time trying to get people to accept me. I am fine with being a square I don’t want to fit in the black collective circle. I am Tameeka!!! I love God, football, basketball, poetry, all music however rock music is my favorite, I’m a single mother, I’m educated, I’m kind, I’m supportive, I’m loyal, and the list goes on and on. I love myself enough to know who I am, where I belong, and where I don’t.


All in Due Time

During this time of year many people get depressed for various reasons it could be the loss of a love one or they are just lonely. Losing a love one can be one of the most heartbreaking things that could ever happen. The holidays can make a person face the reality of many things that can’t be denied. A loving one not being around never gets easy we go on because there isn’t a choice.

The Emotions had a classic Christmas song called What do the lonely do at Christmas?, it gets to some single people, I guess. Being lonely and being alone are two different things, some people enjoy being alone. God has an appointed time for single people to connect with others. I remember when one of my friends told me how God wanted him to remain hidden which can be difficult when you want to be found. God’s timing is perfect everyone will not experience the same things at the same time. A clock has twelve numbers on it, there are 24 hours in a day, seven days and twelve months a year etc. As hard as things can be we have to trust God’s timing it’s perfect. Everything happens for a reason and everything happens when it is time. So in the meantime we should pray for the heartbroken and pray for the people who are lonely. We should also be happy for others I am a firm believer that how we behave when we are waiting for what we want is one of the biggest test of all.

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalms 34:18). It is encouraging to read what King David wrote in the previously quoted psalm. We can be healed and delivered from a broken heart.

Prince Harry and Meghan

In the month of September I wrote about national redhead day and I made a video as well. In the video that I made Prince Harry was featured. He seems to be a charismatic, intelligent, and very handsome man.

Prince Harry recently became engaged to Meghan Markle she’s the gorgeous actress from the television show Suits. I am so excited for this amazing couple and it’s not for the reasons you may think. There is a lot of pressure on Meghan and I don’t think people realize what she’s giving up to be with the man whom she loves.

In the year of 2017 when certain things should be at a minimum they are actually not. The seemed to be silent hidden voice of racism is now speaking loudly since the couples engagement. The issue of racism shows just how far behind the times some people are. Meghan is biracial and that is how she identifies herself rightfully so. Why does her race have to be added to the equation? There is enough pressure already, she knows what she’s made of. Everyone who reads my blog knows that I support interracial couples and love. I believe that love has no color and that people should be free to love whomever they please. I’m reading and seeing how some black people are calling this a big win and some white people are calling it a mistake but what no one is realizing is that this is one of the most biggest decision of these two people’s lives.

I feel that Meghan should be able to get married to Prince Harry without being reminded what race that she’s made of, her being married before or where she grew up. It’s not how you start it’s how you finish. I just wish these two incredibly awesome people well and everyone else should too.