Father the Builder

Happy Father’s Day 2016, regardless of the date or whether it’s modern time the meaning of being a father never changes. Whether it’s teaching their children how to ride a bike, how to put on a tie or how a man treats a lady a father’s role makes a huge impact that effect the family as well as the community. A father is the backbone of the family he proves stability. A father molds his sons and daughters differently still his presence effect them tremendously. Single mothers it’s Father’s Day don’t take it away from the dads who deserves it by trying to share their day. It’s time for us to humble ourselves and understand our roles as mothers . Let’s stop behaving masculine and more feminine we are women. Give the men who are true fathers respect. We can only do it by allowing the father to do the role that God intended. It’s time to face what some us mothers can not do and that’s being a father. Could it be being the head of household has clouded your judgement well if it hasn’t it’s time to sit in the audience. Let’s give these fathers a round of an applause. It’s time to bring family back. We must love our children enough to allow them to have their fathers.

I have shared part of my life story before. Growing up for awhile it was a single parent home I didn’t not want to be a single parent. I remembered how hard my mother had it and for a long time I hated my father for it. Vowing to never to become a single parent.Sadly I became a single parent obviously God had other plans for my life. Yes I truly believe this there is a blessing in every storm. Look at the people’s lives in the Bible Joseph, Ruth, Esther and even Jesus. You don’t want to see me get pumped. I know that God is awesome and He always gets His glory in everything. We have to worry less and trust more. Worrying doesn’t solve not one thing. Just have to keep praying, trusting and hoping all of it will pay off one day.

As a single parent I understand that it requires a high demand but as a mother I want my sons to have the best. Are there fathers who are not doing what they should? Sure. But I have faith in God soon things will be all good. I believe truly that everything happens for a reason. There are no bad choices just learned lessons. Every lesson is a blessing in some way or another. Think about a thousand puzzle piece it isn’t complete if even one piece is missing. That goes for every lesson that has taken place in our lives. Or time we become wise and we understand why things are the way that they are. Until we do let’s allow the fathers to do the role that God intended for them to do.


The After Effects of Father’s Day

I genuinely believe that our mindset single-handedly can be responsible for generational curses, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We have to love our children enough to not pass on pain of our past to them. The pain of our childhood doesn’t have to haunt us for the rest of our lives. Our strength should be our crutch and not our pain. We can overcome and endure the pain of our childhood.

Events like father’s day can bring a painful childhood to the surface. Believe me; I once knew the pain. I grew up in a broken home for a short amount of time. My father was very abusive to my mother, and so she left him.

When father’s day would roll around years ago, it stirred up the anger that was within me. I was very angry with my father not because he wasn’t in the household. He and my mother could not get along because he was extremely violent. My parents couldn’t live together, and that part I understood. I wasn’t angry because he wasn’t under the same roof. The angry stemmed from him not having contact with my sisters and me at all. It was incredibly selfish of him. He and I never got along because I always reminded him about how abusive he was. To be honest, I felt like he hated me, and it felt like we had no connection at all. I mostly felt bad for my middle sister because she never knew him at all. My mother stayed in contact with his aunt, so he had no excuse at all for abandoning his fatherly duties.

Once I became a mother myself, I realized the importance of having a father in a child’s life. There is no substitution for a father. Whether some people want to accept it or not, God has a design for how things should be. God did not intend for a mother to raise children alone. This is part of the reason for generational curses. The importance of fathers is being downplayed. It’s not okay. Daughters look at their single mothers and feel that they can do it too. Sons become fathers and are like I’ll let the mother do it, she can handle it. After all, my mother did it. Someone has to break the chain so that the pain will end or it will get passed on to the kids.

Until women and men realize the importance of the presence of a father, things can’t get better. Some mothers will continue to cut the fathers out of the children’s lives. Some fathers will be okay with being a deadbeat willingly. Most men and women are angry with their fathers, so let’s stop downplaying their role. A father teaches a daughter how she should be loved. A father teaches a son how to be a man. Fathers are daughters and sons heroes. Everything starts at home, how can children function productively in society when they came from a broken place?

It’s not fair for our children to inherit our pain. We should have children with men who understand the importance of setting consistent examples for their children. Being a great father takes more than the reason for their father being absent; it’s about having the courage to break the cycle.

I am a single mother, and I have been for years, but I am not a father. Just a friendly reminder single parents day is in March, mother’s day is in May, and father’s day is in June. It’s unfair to take way father’s day from the fathers who are going above and beyond. Some fathers have been in their children’s lives from birth up into adulthood. Yes, they do exist. There can be a more great father too all we have to do is let go of childhood hurt and change our mindset.

This is so true:

Kalieel’s Birthday

Happy Birthday Kalieel
The love that I have for you
Is indescribable
Because my love is beyond tangible
You are such a blessing to me
Every milestone that you made
Made me better
I’m so thankful that
God gave me you
You are going to change
The world
The same way
That you changed me


Amazing Things Happen

No matter what, some people choose to believe unbelievable things don’t happen without God’s help. I’m always amazed when people lose faith or hope, like how can one forget all the number of times that God brought them through happen so easily? When God is in it, one knows because man can not take any credit for it.

I see a lot of Christians who are single that want that special one. Like everything that requires trusting God, so does having that perfect person that God has already designed for you. There is only one special one for each of us; it’s not multiple choice. God knows best. God is able; all we have to do is trust Him!!!

Feed your faith and starve your doubt!!! God will make it happen. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that He lies. God keeps His promises He doesn’t lie.

Being Jealous What’s the Point?

Many may not believe this, or perhaps you might. I have never been jealous of anything or anybody. Not too long ago, I wrote a post about the fruit of the spirit. Jealousy is a feeling that can get ugly when it gets out of control.

If you find yourself waiting for another’s downfall that’s jealousy. If you find yourself not being able to give sincere compliments that’s jealousy. If you find yourself looking for dirt on a person instead of gold that’s jealousy. If you are trying to get others to think negative about someone that’s jealousy. Being in competition of someone else is jealousy too. Jealousy is an unhealthy emotion and it’s not of God.

Here’s my take on jealousy at one point of my life I weighed over 320 pounds. I weighed more than most of my family members heck more than most people. Springtime or summertime, I would cover up as if it was winter. I never enviously looked at others because I put myself into the position of being overweight. Why be jealous of others behind a position that I put myself in? It makes no sense. I believe if we evaluate ourselves more instead of attacking or blaming others, we all would be great. It’s about the fruit of the spirit.

You Won’t Get Me

There is a war of the spirit
The way to win this battle
Is not with the flesh
But with our spirit
It’s deeper than the flesh
Every day we must suit up
And tell ourselves
Our past is our past
You won’t get me
Negativity, Anger, Hatred,
Gossip, Jealousy, Animosity,
Everything opposite
Of what God has for me
You won’t get me
The fruit of the spirit is love
Test a person’s spirit
To avoid a sneak attack
Everything that glitters
Isn’t gold
We know that unicorns
Do not exist
We shall know a tree by its fruits
It can’t be denied
Hurt people hurt others
Healed people heal others
That shows our spirit
How we begin our day
That shows our spirit
How we handle tough times
That shows our spirit
How we treat our enemies
Or estranged family members
That shows our spirit
How we are in private verse
Who we are in the public
That shows our spirit
The scripture says that
All scripture is for our correction
So how you are living that
Shows your spirit
The scripture says
That if you call yourself holy
Yet still hold hands with the world
Then you are a liar
How is your spirit
Do you pray for others
Even the ones that have hurt you
Or the ones that you are
Not talking to
That shows your spirit
Doubt, Ill spoken words, Hopes of devising my hurt,
Generational curses, Ungodly advice
You won’t get me
I am suited up
What I can’t handle God will
I will love
I will trust
I will forgive
I will pray
I will suit up
I am ready



I want to share some sunshine; it’s realistic. Can I tell you that there is a difference between being safe and living in fear? There are many things to be positive about; the sun is still shining, the flowers are still blooming, and most of all, we are still living. As long as we are living, there is hope and a plan for our lives.

There will be battles, and we win them. Being unrealistic is feeling that bad situations will hang around forever, and that is not true. The truth is, and this is a reality even bad times have an expiration date. Bad times have to go!!! That’s right. I said it. There will be better days ahead for us all. We all have lived long enough to have witnessed tough times expire.

Love With An Open Heart

Past relationships and experiences
Dictate how we interact
In future relationships
Causing us to armor up
To put our guards up
Which still allow
Past disappointments
To continue to take
We then
Come up with reasons
For our actions
Dress them up
By giving them different names
Whether it’s referred to
As a protective layer
Or a wall used to
Keep us from feeling
Which in actuality
Keeps us from
Something that could
Potentially be special
Love requires the giving
Of oneself
Compromise and
How Else will we be
Able to recognize
True love’s credibility
Then we can enjoy stability
Be set free
From past relationships
That was ugly
It’s important
For the heart to feel love
Feeling and loving is the only way
That the heart knows
Love is grounded
It accepts the imperfections
Of the person that
We love
Working through
Bad times while
Enjoying the good
Love is honesty
It gives people
The opportunity
To be themselves completely
Love is a journey
That should always
Be allowed to continue
It’s the only way
For the one that
Is for us
To find us
Life should not
Be about only surviving
From past mistakes
Or merely existing
But thriving in happiness
And enjoying life
Now that’s living

Three Years Strong

Hooray!!! Happy Birthday to Be Lifted.

Ever since I was young I loved to write. I remember the day that I decided to become a blogger. It seems almost like yesterday when I started my blog. It’s my blog that consists of my thoughts, poetry, diet lifestyles, and choices of music.

Three years later Be Lifted is still going strong. I look forward to many more years of blogging.
