Father the Builder

Happy Father’s Day 2016, regardless of the date or whether it’s modern time the meaning of being a father never changes. Whether it’s teaching their children how to ride a bike, how to put on a tie or how a man treats a lady a father’s role makes a huge impact that effect the family as well as the community. A father is the backbone of the family he proves stability. A father molds his sons and daughters differently still his presence effect them tremendously. Single mothers it’s Father’s Day don’t take it away from the dads who deserves it by trying to share their day. It’s time for us to humble ourselves and understand our roles as mothers . Let’s stop behaving masculine and more feminine we are women. Give the men who are true fathers respect. We can only do it by allowing the father to do the role that God intended. It’s time to face what some us mothers can not do and that’s being a father. Could it be being the head of household has clouded your judgement well if it hasn’t it’s time to sit in the audience. Let’s give these fathers a round of an applause. It’s time to bring family back. We must love our children enough to allow them to have their fathers.

I have shared part of my life story before. Growing up for awhile it was a single parent home I didn’t not want to be a single parent. I remembered how hard my mother had it and for a long time I hated my father for it. Vowing to never to become a single parent.Sadly I became a single parent obviously God had other plans for my life. Yes I truly believe this there is a blessing in every storm. Look at the people’s lives in the Bible Joseph, Ruth, Esther and even Jesus. You don’t want to see me get pumped. I know that God is awesome and He always gets His glory in everything. We have to worry less and trust more. Worrying doesn’t solve not one thing. Just have to keep praying, trusting and hoping all of it will pay off one day.

As a single parent I understand that it requires a high demand but as a mother I want my sons to have the best. Are there fathers who are not doing what they should? Sure. But I have faith in God soon things will be all good. I believe truly that everything happens for a reason. There are no bad choices just learned lessons. Every lesson is a blessing in some way or another. Think about a thousand puzzle piece it isn’t complete if even one piece is missing. That goes for every lesson that has taken place in our lives. Or time we become wise and we understand why things are the way that they are. Until we do let’s allow the fathers to do the role that God intended for them to do.


Amazing Things Happen

No matter what, some people choose to believe unbelievable things don’t happen without God’s help. I’m always amazed when people lose faith or hope, like how can one forget all the number of times that God brought them through happen so easily? When God is in it, one knows because man can not take any credit for it.

I see a lot of Christians who are single that want that special one. Like everything that requires trusting God, so does having that perfect person that God has already designed for you. There is only one special one for each of us; it’s not multiple choice. God knows best. God is able; all we have to do is trust Him!!!

Feed your faith and starve your doubt!!! God will make it happen. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that He lies. God keeps His promises He doesn’t lie.

The Blessing of Unity

With every course that I take there is something that sticks out to me that gets me to thinking. Multicultural alliance is so important. Different people have a way of thinking and do things differently. Cross-cultural communication is so important it helps people to become intuitive and sensitive to others which helps with interacting. Communication helps with understanding others. It’s also should be understood that individualistic and collectivistic cultures differ too especially in a negative sense. I can’t stand when a person want to lump a whole entire group of people together based on a bad experience with one person.

I watched an interview that Phil Anselmo did, he is the former lead singer of Pantera. Some people call him racist because of comments that he made in the past. He spoke of how he was an angry insolent child. He has gotten older and has matured. I know of people who were racist and they later changed. I’m not saying that he ever was. I do know that skinheads and the KKK seek children who are angry and hurt to direct those emotions towards people of different races. Remember the movie American History X?

I saw a post that was so hateful about how the black people of today could never measure up to the black people of the 60s, I agree to a certain extent. The black people of today are strangers to the importance of unity. Not unity within the black community only but across racial lines. Some of the black people of today are tearing down the hard work that was done in the 60s.

There were some things that I did not agree with when Obama was in the office but I did admire how his cabinet was multicultural. He understood the importance of people from every culture. People from all walks of life can offer some sound advice because sometimes the most valuable advice is the kind that isn’t taken. I refuse to let that happen. I don’t want to miss a thing.

I have a post about sisterhood and I consider my few friends as sisters. My friends are of different races. I am black and I don’t have anything against some black women just the ones who makes everything a competition it’s not that serious. We as a people we can sometimes be our own enemies and it is for no reason. For an example if more black women choose to date outside of their race that’s great. What difference does it make if or when people come around? As long as they are doing better. Do you really want to see one another succeed? Or is it about getting into a person’s business to use them as a case study? There was a time when we all thought differently about so many things. So why not extend the courtesy of understanding to others? We know more now then we did ten or even twenty years ago and so on. Come on. And why does everything have to be about whose idea was first George Washington Carver made peanut butter but do you think people think about that when they are eating Skippy or Jif? The first computer was made in 1946 but do you think the people on an apple computer thinks of that. Interracial couples have been around since the time of Moses maybe before then. Which was before all of was born! Self centeredness and self absorbed people just grind my gears!!!

My whole point is nothing positive comes from hate or division even if some don’t want to admit it. Unity stays in my vision.

Being Jealous What’s the Point?

Many may not believe this, or perhaps you might. I have never been jealous of anything or anybody. Not too long ago, I wrote a post about the fruit of the spirit. Jealousy is a feeling that can get ugly when it gets out of control.

If you find yourself waiting for another’s downfall that’s jealousy. If you find yourself not being able to give sincere compliments that’s jealousy. If you find yourself looking for dirt on a person instead of gold that’s jealousy. If you are trying to get others to think negative about someone that’s jealousy. Being in competition of someone else is jealousy too. Jealousy is an unhealthy emotion and it’s not of God.

Here’s my take on jealousy at one point of my life I weighed over 320 pounds. I weighed more than most of my family members heck more than most people. Springtime or summertime, I would cover up as if it was winter. I never enviously looked at others because I put myself into the position of being overweight. Why be jealous of others behind a position that I put myself in? It makes no sense. I believe if we evaluate ourselves more instead of attacking or blaming others, we all would be great. It’s about the fruit of the spirit.


I want to share some sunshine; it’s realistic. Can I tell you that there is a difference between being safe and living in fear? There are many things to be positive about; the sun is still shining, the flowers are still blooming, and most of all, we are still living. As long as we are living, there is hope and a plan for our lives.

There will be battles, and we win them. Being unrealistic is feeling that bad situations will hang around forever, and that is not true. The truth is, and this is a reality even bad times have an expiration date. Bad times have to go!!! That’s right. I said it. There will be better days ahead for us all. We all have lived long enough to have witnessed tough times expire.

Who Am I?

Who I am
I look to the sky
And give this reply
I am a woman
That is humble
Who seeks to have the
Meekness of Moses
The grace of a swan
And gentleness of a dove
Who is knowledgeable about
The true prosperity of life
Which is love, having a pure heart,
And wisdom
Things that cannot
Be found in a
A self-help book
Only God can place
A spirit like this
Inside of me
Like a hook
That plant seeds
Of blessings
Which I will water
Words of positivity
That grows constantly
Forever flourishing
I know who I am
And I know what I deserve
Because the king of kings
And the Lord of Lords
Is who I serve
My life isn’t like the movie
Love and Basketball
I ain’t playing for
A dude’s heart
A king doesn’t play games
He lives by honor
Day by day
So he would never
Dream of causing
A woman like me
Any pain
He recognizes
A woman’s fire
He wants to stay
Drawn to it
Because Godly people
Look to stay
Connected to on
Fire Christians
So they will remain ablaze
They don’t want
The fire to die out
In any kind of way
A king steps up
Into his rightful place
He’s not afraid
He makes his somedays
Prominent today
I step up into
My calling proudly
A Woman of Virtue
That is who I am

A New Start

I absolutely love being a Christian. I was having a conversation today and it was pertaining to a person’s past. First of all we alllllllll have parts of our lives that we would not like to read out loud. But guess what? We don’t have to this it is a new day, week, month, year. God has forgiven us and we have to forgive ourselves. I know it’s not always easy to do. For me there are good days and there are bad days. But everyday that passes I am glad that Christ are in them.

I feel that with all the things that I have been through and overcame there isn’t a person in this world that Christ can not save.

2 Corinthians 5:17King James 

17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

We should never beat ourselves up about anything and we should never allow anyone else to do it either. Once Christ forgives us for our past what others think is irrelevant unless we have done harm to that person. Still to judge a person based on past events isn’t right. We are our biggest critics we can do a good job of making ourselves feel guilty enough. Don’t need people on the outside doing it as well. My modo is if there’s people who continue to bring up the past then they should be left there.


So the other day I was watching a reaction video for Type O Negative. The young lady spoke of how she had not seen masculinity like Peter Steele ever! I was thinking to myself, “What kind of men has she seen?” Not just her, I have seen other comments too. One video by Type O Negative called “Love You to Death a person assumed that Peter had self-esteem issues because of his lyrics. In the song “Love You to Death, Pete asked, “Am I good enough for you?”

First off, Peter Steele could have had any woman that he wanted. Peter Steele was a different kind of man. When I think of the lyrics asking, “Am I good enough for you?”Perhaps he understood a woman’s worth!!! Which is something that certain men could be less about if at all?

I feel that today’s world is so sad. Masculinity to me isn’t about a man’s physique; it’s about a man standing up in his manhood without fear. A strong man makes responsible decisions and knows how to make a woman feel safe. All women want to feel safe.

Once an honest opinion is verbalized, it seems like the whole world comes to an end. As a black woman, I feel that being dishonest is doing a disservice to those who need to hear the truth. I’m not going to lie about what some black men should be doing. We have been taking on many things for far too long only to be told that we have attitudes, harsh, and not feminine. I would love to be carefree like Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz. Unfortunately, I can’t.

Young ladies of this generation needs to see more men like Peter Steele and not feel that they are extinct!!!

Quite Pathetic

Whether it’s on the television, the internet, or social media I always come across something that grinds my gears. Something that gets so much under my skin that I just cannot stand it.

Remember the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Well, it’s true but only to a certain extent. The way that this world is set up evil people aka weak people use the internet in a attempt to publicly humiliated others. I remember when I wrote a post about this matter saying that I know why a person is saying mean things about me but why are people who don’t know me buying it? Our enemies most times are formal so-called friends and estranged family members. I just didn’t get it but then I thought some people just want to believe the worse when it comes to certain people.

Back on the subject I saw a negative post stating that some people aren’t as smart as they seem to be they are just good at copying and pasting stuff. Now this person who wrote this should learn how to copy and paste a positive attitude.

It’s sad that people would rather believe that a person is less talented or isn’t very smart just to make themselves feel better. Sometimes I share YouTube videos or reblogs, besides that my writings are of my ideas.

Here on Be Lifted

It won’t be long before my blog will be two years old. I am pretty happy about all that I have accomplished. Here on be lifted the things that are thought about are talked about in a positive and encouraging way. We can’t work out important issues if we are afraid to talk about them. I want the chains of negativity to be broken that binds us all. Let the chains of hurt be broken and fall off. Let the chains that divide us like racism be broken and fall off. May the people who are constantly race baiting and stirring the pot of division lick the spoon as well as choke on it. Life is too short to have to deal with hatred. I am for positive changes that excludes no one but includes everyone; it’s the best way to get things done.